The Abundant Investher

Julia Colantuono: Holistic Financial Planning to Build Wealth

May 09, 2024 Beth Rooney and Christine Fiske
Julia Colantuono: Holistic Financial Planning to Build Wealth
The Abundant Investher
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The Abundant Investher
Julia Colantuono: Holistic Financial Planning to Build Wealth
May 09, 2024
Beth Rooney and Christine Fiske

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In this episode we meet with Julia Colantuono, a Certified Financial Planner renowned for her fee-only, life-aligned methodology. Her holistic approach to finances, looking at the bigger picture, not just trading within a portfolio, is aligned with our way of thinking about and building a rich life.  This episode's conversation illuminates how financial planning is more than just numbers—it's a gateway to achieving your dreams. Julia's transition from large financial firms to her own practice highlights the importance of personalized guidance, and her story becomes a beacon for those looking to integrate real estate into their financial future.

We discuss the common hesitations that prevent many from taking control of their wealth. Learn how to confront these challenges with practical strategies and an empowered mindset that transforms apprehension into action. Julia and we share our personal experiences with unconventional avenues like utilizing Roth IRAs for home purchases, and how embracing financial literacy can pave the path to entrepreneurship and a life of abundance.

Step boldly into the world of real estate investing with our inspiring tales of success and the critical insights for starting your journey. Don't let the myth of the perfect moment hold you back; we explain how to seize opportunities, build a network, and navigate markets strategically to develop a rewarding investment portfolio. Join us as we demystify the complexities of wealth management and celebrate the triumphs of women taking charge of their financial destinies.

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We would love your feedback. Text us here!

Visit Julia's  One Financial  website
Get the Real Estate Beginner's Bundle

In this episode we meet with Julia Colantuono, a Certified Financial Planner renowned for her fee-only, life-aligned methodology. Her holistic approach to finances, looking at the bigger picture, not just trading within a portfolio, is aligned with our way of thinking about and building a rich life.  This episode's conversation illuminates how financial planning is more than just numbers—it's a gateway to achieving your dreams. Julia's transition from large financial firms to her own practice highlights the importance of personalized guidance, and her story becomes a beacon for those looking to integrate real estate into their financial future.

We discuss the common hesitations that prevent many from taking control of their wealth. Learn how to confront these challenges with practical strategies and an empowered mindset that transforms apprehension into action. Julia and we share our personal experiences with unconventional avenues like utilizing Roth IRAs for home purchases, and how embracing financial literacy can pave the path to entrepreneurship and a life of abundance.

Step boldly into the world of real estate investing with our inspiring tales of success and the critical insights for starting your journey. Don't let the myth of the perfect moment hold you back; we explain how to seize opportunities, build a network, and navigate markets strategically to develop a rewarding investment portfolio. Join us as we demystify the complexities of wealth management and celebrate the triumphs of women taking charge of their financial destinies.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Abundant Investor Podcast. I'm your host, beth Rooney. I'm here with Christine Fisk and today we have an amazing guest. We have Julia Colantuno. She is a Certified Financial Planner, or CFP for short. She is a fee-only planner, which is a really awesome way to look at your finances holistically and work with somebody that's going to do the same. There's so much synergy between the way Julia observes the world and finances and working with women and how we do things here at the Abundant Investor. Our paths have crossed. We've had some great conversations and we thought our listeners would love to have you on the call here, julia. So welcome, so happy to have you. Would you give the listeners a little bit of a background about what, what you do and what does Fioli mean and all that kind of thing?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thank you so much for having me. I'm such a big fan of the podcast and I'm thrilled to be on. I think we've talked about this before, but there's just so much synergy between what we do and the way that we help people and so, just to give you an idea of what a flat fee, fee only financial planner is, it's kind of breaking away from the mold of a traditional financial advisor that might charge based on the investment assets that they manage for you. So that's kind of a traditional financial advisor and I really broke away from that to be able to help people, regardless of what investments they might hold in a traditional investment account, and really just look at their finances holistically. So I think it blends really well with real estate investors, specifically because it's such a great way to build wealth and you know there's still financial guidance and tools that you can use and that are needed without really being in the realm of, like, a traditional investment account. Is there still a place for that?

Speaker 3:

Absolutely, but I think the overall financial picture is so much bigger than that and, yeah, yeah, that makes so much sense and it's it is so aligned with the way that we think about women and finances that it's much larger than hiring a financial advisor to look at your portfolio per se, right, especially because we are big fans of real estate investing.

Speaker 3:

But even before I was a real estate investor, I always felt like I would have loved to have met you and have you helping me with my finances then, because I thought about it beyond what a traditional financial planner would do, right, and I've worked with some of those and it's never felt totally aligned with me and I never felt like someone was really looking at me as an individual in my whole picture. My husband and I, like what's best for our family, and asked us about our goals beyond what's a number that you want to have in retirement, right in your journey to being, you know, becoming a fee only financial planner, like how did, how did you get here, julia, and what does your work look like today? Part one and part two there yeah, sure.

Speaker 2:

So I worked for several years at some of the bigger, bigger banks, bigger investment firms, financial planning firms so Morgan Stanley, ameriprise, to name a couple, worked many years in those, and so I got a feel for working with the ultra wealthy and doing like heavy investment management.

Speaker 2:

And then I also got a feel, just through some different practices I was a part of, specifically at Ameriprise, some of the more you know people who didn't have millions and millions in the bank and more heavy financial planning looking at their family life, and so I feel like I've really gotten a good spectrum of that.

Speaker 2:

And the reason I wanted to go out on my own, though, was again what I was saying earlier of the industry is just so traditionally based on managing those investment, investment accounts, and so, you know, you would hear financial advisors be bummed when a client would take out like a hundred thousand dollars to go put down on a property, right Like. That was like a bummed moment for a financial advisor, and I was like why does it have to be that way? Right, like because of that that kind of structure. So, a year and a half ago, I went out and started my own company, just kind of with that premise of like, ok, I'm going to just do things exactly how I think they should be done and just have complete free reign freedom over everything and be able to meet people where they are in their journey. So that's, that was really why I did that.

Speaker 3:

I love that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think that makes so much sense. You know, we talk on this podcast a lot about living your rich life and really kind of thinking outside of the box. And although that shouldn't be outside of the box, thinking of like looking at your whole financial picture, it can be, you know, and of course there are some financial planners, I'm sure, that do look at it holistically and have a different approach. But I think you're right. I think the industry as a whole, the way it's set up, in the way it's, you know, incentive, how financial planners are incentivized, is sometimes not always in line with looking at that big picture, especially if people want to be real estate investors. And so I think that you know, and, and you know especially women, you know I think that you'd love to hear your thoughts about kind of working with women in that kind of outside of the box thinking kind of approach.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this makes me think of so until the last point too. I think it's so important to look up to other women, like when I think about the reason I started my business or what really catapulted me into that next phase, and to say, okay, I'm doing it is because I have a former colleague who basically did the same thing. She went out and she started her own firm it's called your own registered investment advisor got registered with the state, started her own thing, and it took that for me to be like, oh, if she can do it, I can do it too. And she was another woman in her 30s. I related to her on some personality aspects. There was enough that I related to her on some personality aspects. There was enough that I related to her on. And then, when she did it, I was like, okay, I can do it, and I think it just relates to real estate investing as well, and maybe women need some of these role models specifically. I don't know more. So to be like, oh, I can do it. If they can do it, I can do it, and so what I would say?

Speaker 2:

I call them expanders. Like to find expanders in your life, other people that you can look up to I love that term, yeah Right. And so like I would say for listeners, like if you have any inclination of like, oh, maybe I could be a real estate investor or maybe I could start a business or any of those things, it's like who do you have in your life to look up to and to really talk to? And if you don't have anyone yet, find someone, go find someone and get coffee with them or talk to them or read their book or blog post or whatever. Listen to their podcast, because I just think that's so important and it's, I think, for a lot of women. It just gets them over that hump of taking a leap into something new.

Speaker 3:

Yes, it's so true and I think like I love the way you position that I've had coaches that have helped me to think about it that you know you've got to have somebody show you you can reach for the next branch. And it just doesn't fall into our realm of what's possible on a subconscious and day to day level until we start to surround ourselves with people who are doing bigger, bolder things and then all it takes is for us to see that to say, oh my gosh, I can relate to her, I can do that too and I. That's exactly what we want in real estate, in real estate investing for people we really want them to understand, like this is tangible, this is attainable for you.

Speaker 3:

Like my personal journey stepping into real estate investing was, when I think back about it, I didn't really know what I was doing. I didn't have that role model. I just said I'm going for it and I think, by looking to other women who have done the same thing, we can just get there faster. You know it's less expensive ultimately because we're not making so many mistakes, right? So you're paving the way for other people to do this too, and I really appreciate how you're doing that so much and it just resonates so much. How do you, how do you, look at families and women's finances in a holistic way, that's like, because you're talking about it being different from the way that you learn to do this at the bigger institutions. So can you give our listeners a taste of what would it be like to come on, as your client say, having some real estate investments, having a more diverse portfolio?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so one of the first things that I do is just help people understand where they're currently at right. That's like the first phase. And so, to look at the whole picture, anything you own, anything you owe, and then cash flow, so money that's flowing in and out on a daily, monthly, yearly basis those are like the foundational building blocks that I would say. So you know, looking at your retirement accounts, your any investment accounts that you have, if you've got a pension, what type of work do you do? You know, and that might depend on what type of retirement account that you have. Do you have a mortgage? Do you own a home? Do you? What other loans? Do you have student loans and everything like that and then do you have kids?

Speaker 1:

like what are your?

Speaker 2:

goals for college planning or travel, or do you have something burning inside of you? You want to start something creative or like really anything that comes to mind in terms of your goals and then just helping them. Look at, yeah, the money coming in and out. What's's the plan for that? You know I'm not a fan of budgeting, but I'm a fan of awareness and setting up some systems, that kind of guardrails, to lead you on the path you want to go down, and so it's really just about that foundational element, the big picture, really get an understanding of where you are now, and although that sounds easy, I would say most people don't take that first step.

Speaker 2:

And so even just doing that first step can also lead to a lot of clarity, you know. So, even if it sounds easy, it's like ask yourself have you done it? And it doesn't take a financial planner, you can do that yourself, just write it. Just get a piece of paper or excel document and just write it down.

Speaker 1:

Um, and sometimes I ask a question why do you think it's so hard for people to do that? Because we found that too, like we've definitely found it and um, I think, I think you're, you're right, and and so the question is really a two-part question. Why do you think you know what's your gut on, like, why did people avoid this so much? And two, what are some of the things you can do to make it so less, you know, less dreadful for them? Like, how are you helping them with that, so that it's you know?

Speaker 2:

that's a good question. I think people avoid it because they don't want to face it, like there's some kind of fear, they're afraid of something. I mean, it's the first step on the journey to going and getting something for yourself, and a lot of people are just afraid that if they actually look at the numbers, they might come up with a conclusion that they can't get to where they want to go or that, like something is going to stop them, and so I just think it's that fear in the way and if you can take that away, there are so many ways to do what you want to do. I think the when people take that step of taking awareness, taking stock of what they have, a lot of times and sometimes it takes help from an outside person to see it, but sometimes they can see it on their own it's like, oh, I have, like this is the way here's the path. Own it's like, oh, like I have, like this is the way here's the path forward, and it actually brings up more clarity and empowerment than they might think. But I think they just stop themselves because they're afraid the opposite will happen.

Speaker 2:

What was the question?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's great. I, you know I, you know what I it's. So it's very true. And, having always worked for a company, you know, I worked for Fidelity for many years and I worked for various real estate companies as an employee, as a manager, for years, and then having the opportunity to really be on my own and Christine and I starting the Abundant Investor, and I really feel like an entrepreneur and it was a big leap, right.

Speaker 1:

I did this in my early 50s and boy do I wish I, I had the courage to do it, maybe 10 years before, you know. And I think I just would say to somebody that's listening, like, yeah, take the time to dig in, like what you're saying, and really think about what would it feel like if you could, you know, hit your dreams and I'm not saying everybody's dreaming to be an entrepreneur, but I didn't even let myself dream that big to be an entrepreneur because I was afraid of, like, giving up the security of, you know, a consistent paycheck. And I am so glad I did it and I hired Christina as my coach and she coached me through all of that, which is terrific, and I think that, yeah, so I can speak as you know someone that's done that and made a shift, and just so glad that.

Speaker 2:

I did it, absolutely yeah. And then I mean the next step that could come out of that. Like I'm just thinking of my own experience. My husband and I, before we bought our first home, you know, we put everything on paper and we thought, ok, how are we going to afford a down payment? And we had some Roth IRA money and you can actually use a lot of that to buy a home or to buy really withdraw for anything.

Speaker 2:

If you just take out the contributions that you've made not to get too technical, but like there's once you actually face it and you're like, okay, I have these cards to play with, how can I do this? And then something creative comes up. It's like, okay, we used our Roth IRA money, a majority of that, to pay for our house. And okay, yes, we were thinking of it as retirement money before, but we added up all our other retirement money and did some calculations. We're like, we're still on track if we don't count the Roth money Right. So it's like, just, I think that's the. That's what the next phase of it looks like, once you know what you have.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I love it, like you have to take stock and know what you're like. I think we're so resourceful and we don't give ourselves credit for being resourceful. It's the resourcefulness that allows us to operate outside the box that we're all like operating in. We forget that, we put these false boundaries on ourselves and then, once you know, you take stock. Okay, this is what I've got to work with.

Speaker 3:

I think somebody coming to work with you or somebody coming to work with us we can show them the path, right, like you're talking about that. I bet a lot of people don't know about what you just talked about that you can take money out of your Roth IRA to put towards a down payment in certain situations. You're showing people what they cannot see, and I think that that's exactly we're doing the same thing where we tell a lot of people you don't necessarily have to have a hundred thousand dollars in a savings account to start investing in real estate either. There's creative ways to do it too, right, but, but it's so helpful to take stock and just say like here's where I'm at and here's what's going on, and be honest about it, because I mean, I think that's what it is. It's like it's being honest about where we're at so that we can be as resourceful as we possibly can to take that next step.

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely Well said.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I agree, and I think another great example of that is like a HELOC, right? So you know we talk a lot about building wealth through real estate and that can often start with your primary residence, and you know. So let's just say you buy a home and you add some equity because you improve the aesthetics of the home, right, you take down wallpaper, you paint, you maybe update a kitchen, that kind of thing. And now you look at your home and boom, you have. You know you've added all this equity because during that time you've paid down your mortgage, you've made this improvement, maybe the market's improved around you. And then, boom, you have this equity in your home and you can tap into that through a HELOC.

Speaker 1:

And I think people just don't think of that. Like, we've come across clients that say, you know they're so like I have to pay off my mortgage. I don't want a mortgage on my home. Well, why it's a? It's a leverageable asset that then you can use to grow more assets. And I'd love to hear your thoughts about sort of that, that concept as it relates to what you do, looking at people in their finances holistically.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, 100%. I think that's a huge common, very common roadblock that people have, or mindset that they're just stuck in of wanting to have the least amount of debt as possible, meaning, you know, low mortgage or no mortgage, or pay off their mortgage as fast as they can or not take out more debt on their home, right, I think a lot of people have just heard that stuff from whoever in their lives or in society or whatever. Yeah, and it's so.

Speaker 2:

Leverage is such a powerful tool and just the access to liquidity that you can have from your home and a lot of people, when they've lived in a home for a while, they just don't even think about what it's worth, right, like you just get comfortable in your daily life living in your house and then, and then one day, if you actually look into it, you realize like, oh, wow, like I have a lot of equity in my home and it's worth this much. You can absolutely tap into that with a HELOC, like you're saying, and then there's so many other ways that you can also access liquidity.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so true. You know, a friend of mine was just telling me about her neighbors selling their house and how they never felt like they had enough money to buy a second home. And so they're finally all the kids are out of the house and in their 20s and they're so glad that they're selling their home so that they can finally go buy their Cape house. And I know they've lived in that house for 15 or 20 years, so they've in and they live in a. They've sold it for over a million dollars, right? So they definitely had equity in that house.

Speaker 3:

And I just want people to realize you don't have to wait until, like, when this happens. Then I can write like there's a lot of ways you can have what you want now, and I just think of like, wow, it's so wonderful to be able to have a second property where kids can make memories. You make memories as a family, right, and then you're building equity in a second property early. So when I hear those stories I say like, let's not regret. And what can we learn from that? Because I think there's so many families that would love to have a home in the mountains or at the beach or, you know, out in the Berkshires, where we're all in Massachusetts, like wherever it is, and I want them to have that rich life.

Speaker 3:

Now, going back to what Beth was saying earlier so yeah, absolutely. Do you have a lot of clients that are real estate investors, julie, or what are you learning from your clients that are real estate investors?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I definitely have some. Yeah, I mean just the topic we were just talking about. I have clients right now who they own a property in South Boston because they used to live in South Boston. But they continue to own their property and are renting it out. They live somewhere else now.

Speaker 2:

But it was just really funny in that initial stage they had no idea what it was worth. It was just like what we were saying they had no idea what it was worth and so putting it on paper was exciting, just opening the doors to what else they can do with that. And now they're looking to hopefully buy another investment property for a vacation use, like you were saying. I think. As you were talking, I also just was thinking about how I think people get hung up on the interest rates right now because they are higher than they were a few years ago and they're still relatively low relative to like what you can actually get a return on your investment. So I just think that's really important to keep in mind. I think that's another thing that trips people up when they think about taking a HELOC or buying a home or, you know, wanting to pay down their mortgage fast. It's like, yes, interest rates are higher than they were a few years ago, but they're still low relative to what you can make on your money, yeah, it's true, it's funny.

Speaker 1:

We were on a call yesterday with someone from Tony Robbins organization and we talked a lot about, kind of like, seek and you will find it right. What are you looking for? And if you're looking for excuses not to move forward, there's plenty of those. There's a plethora of reasons not to take a risk. Or, you know, overcome your fear, you can. You know, the market's too competitive, the interest rates are too high.

Speaker 1:

I don't know enough about real estate, right, if you look for reasons not to do something, it's easy to find them. I think what's more challenging is to find the reasons, like, why you should do it, and to look for that path. Like you talked about I love that term expanders. I think that's great. I mean, it's, you know, seek and you shall find right. So seek people that have had experience with this.

Speaker 1:

And there's, you know, there's always opportunity and there's certainly opportunity, like we just had a client, for example, who really want to become a real estate investor. And yes, I mean there's also the realistic, you know, like right here in our backyard. It was expensive for her to start her real estate career investing journey right here, so she. So she went to another market where the average rates, the average prices were half of what they are here, and it got her started. Now she's a real estate investor, she has an asset that will grow and that she can tap into and she can start to build a portfolio from. So, yeah, I think that's it's. It's a really good point.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's amazing and it's so awesome just the network that you guys have and that you're able to connect those people to other areas as well if they want, if it makes more sense for them to buy somewhere else.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely. Yeah, that was really important to us was to join a brokerage that was entrepreneurial and networked and easy to connect. It's cloud-based and we've just met wonderful people who are also entrepreneurial minded, who are savvy, and we have the opportunity to connect with so many people. We find the right fit for our clients looking to invest elsewhere and, as investors, we understand what to look for. So, yeah, that is important to us and we love it. We love setting our clients up as investors. Julia, you took our course, you took our $47 course, and I would love to hear from the end user I don't think we've had someone on the podcast who's been through the course or not that we've asked what that experience was like for you and what did you learn from that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, amazing. I think it is such an amazing offer that you guys have for people, especially people who are looking to start real estate investing and are curious about all of this. What are all the different ways? What are the creative ways that you can fund a down payment? What are the benefits to real estate investing? It has all of that, and I am also a person who doesn't like to waste my time, and so when people in these courses could just kind of get right to the point, like, give me the juicy stuff and then give me the tools I need to know, that's exactly what the course is, so I appreciated that in it for sure. So, yeah, highly recommend the course, you guys. If you have not gotten it yet, what is it? $47. It's something easy. So awesome, yes, so awesome.

Speaker 1:

That's great. Yeah, I think it's an hour video and then you have the workbook in the spreadsheet. So I think, yeah, exactly After a couple of hours of investment of your time in $47, I think it's a great way to get started to say, hey, does this feel right? Does this feel like a path I want to pursue further and get more educated on? It's like, yes, that's thank you, because that was. You know, our intention is to get give people a taste, give them enough information where they are, they know if this is something for people, a taste, give them enough information where they know if this is something for them or not, and then to give them some tools so they can start to actually look at properties and say, oh, could I you know? Does this one cash flow? Does it work? Is it the type of property you know that I want to make an investment in?

Speaker 1:

You know, julie, a lot of what we've talked before. We've gone out for coffee and met with you. It sounds to me just shifting back to your business a little bit. You remind me of like a mini family office. I think of a family office, and for our listeners that don't know what a family office is, I wonder if you maybe could explain what that is. You know for these ultra high net worth families, what they do, and then how that is something that they can access, like through you, a service that they can access. That's through you that they don't have to be, you know, you know multi, multi millionaires to have that same type of service.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think that's such a compliment. Yeah, because I think a family office really gets to know the family deeply and just meets them. Where they networking with people like you who are going to help them with the real estate investing if that's what they're into or they're estate attorneys or tax planners it's getting networking with those other professionals, and especially the ones in their life, to make it an experience that just feels very tied in, tied together, like they've got really got a team behind them that knows every corner of their situation and where they want to take it. And so that that's the approach that I try to bring to it. And so the way that my business model is, or the offers I have, is that it's financial planning and that I have flexible offers within that, so so it can really meet people where they are. If they just want a one time thing and it's, you know, a smaller engagement, or then they go off and kind of implement what I've recommended, that's a more approachable option. And then you know, for the people who really want someone more dialed into everything, more of that like family office, year round, white glove experience, who's going to tie into all their other professionals, that's a higher end package, but that I can do for people who need that.

Speaker 2:

And this is all aside from managing investments. Right, it has nothing to do with managing investments, but I will say that's something I also offer. Cause again, it just it's the family office experience. It just brings in another element. It's where my background and experience lies, so why wouldn't I offer that? So I offer that as well. But, yeah, I think the family office thing is just so important just to for people to feel like they're really being seen and really being taken care of and just taking whatever legwork off of their plate. Like people are so busy and if I can send an email to their CPA, instead of asking them to send an email to their CPA, like that's one less man to do, you know, yeah, I'm partnering with you guys on just the holistic experience for people who want to get started in real estate. I'm just very excited to be able to offer that.

Speaker 3:

That's awesome, that's so great, and, as someone who's sitting in it, you obviously have a lot of extensive knowledge of the financial world and things that are happening. Can you share a little bit of? I'm so curious to know, like, what are you excited about right now in that are happening? Can you share a little bit of? Um, I'm so curious to know, like, what are you excited about right now in that world? What do you? You know anything you see coming? Um. For those of us that aren't following the market markets on a regular basis and I'm talking again holistically um, are there certain things that you're seeing either in your own life, in your own world or with your clients, that you'd love to share?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think it's so important to just think about, like, the timelines that we're all a part of, like, when we think about the long-term, everything is so optimistic the stock market, the real estate market, you know, everything is just so strong. And so, from a long term perspective, like I see, people wait on the sidelines all the time for whatever they want to get into and that's just almost always a mistake, right? So, yeah, just you know optimistic about the market in general. So, yeah, just you know optimistic about the market in general. And then comes to creating offers that can scale and that give you passive income. I think real estate can give you passive income and I think there's a lot of digital ways that people can make passive income, and so just in the entrepreneurship world as well, and so those two things you know, to stop trading our time for money. That's one of the things I get most excited about helping people do right, because, at the end of the day, we only have one life to live.

Speaker 1:

I love that. I think that's a. I think it's a real theme of what we've been talking about today. I think it's a real theme of what we've been talking about today. Right, we're talking about, you know, this box that people fall into of, okay, you trade time for money, you trade time for money, and then there's this bigger box of like, okay, I'm going to work and then there's going to be a magic date that I retire and then my life really starts. You know what I mean, and I think we're all saying that.

Speaker 1:

You know a rich life now means really taking stock of your not only your, your, your your assets in your income and your debts, but your skills and your desires and your you know your goals in life and mushing it all together to say, ok, how can I have that stuff now? What can I do to enjoy my life? Now? We talk about this a lot on our call. We've been put on this earth to enjoy life, not to suffer. You know that's not what we're here to do and I think that you know you've talked about that.

Speaker 1:

People just, you know they stick their head in the sand on their finances and they just suffer through whatever it is their job may be, or pushing off those goals out of fear. And we're here to say let's break that, let's break that mold, let's take the fear out. And a great way to get beyond that fear is to get educated and to surround yourself with people that are either doing it or know about it and all that kind of stuff. So I think you're a perfect person for people that are trying to make that change. You're a great place for people to start.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I really like that. I really have been pondering the question lately what is your ideal week look like? Because I think we lose sight of the fact that, like we're in it right now, like this, there's no like living for later. Like you're talking about, beth, it's. What do I want life to look like now, day in, day out? What brings me joy? How do I want to spend my time? You know, time to me is the greatest currency, right? So when I feel like I'm like busy and in the, in the hamster wheel doing all the things for work and I'm not able to be present for my kids or my husband or other things that I care about, then I get lost in it all. So I think it's such an important question to ask ourselves all the time and then just to go back to what you two were talking about earlier in terms of you will find your whatever it is you're looking for.

Speaker 3:

Well, if that's the case, I really want to encourage people to find the evidence for what they want, that it's out there, right, like, instead of having this void or feeling like it's not possible. If, if you change your belief to believe that it's possible and to believe in the things that you want and that they can happen for you. You're going to start to find that evidence. So I think you're such a testament to that, julia, and I really appreciate your perspective and your point of view on finances. I think it's such an important topic. I think it's so important for women to talk about it. I want to get women talking about their money more. We're excited to keep talking to you about it and to collaborate with you, because I know that we have a lot of alignment in terms of our messages, our clients, everything.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Amen, to what both of you just said. I was getting goosebumps, especially as Beth was talking. Yeah, I think it takes courage. That's the theme we're just talking about today. It takes courage to get started Dreaming big, like admitting to yourself what your desires are, what you want your lifestyle to look like, and then just getting started. I want to mention for anyone who is curious about that brave enough to get started admitting to themselves what they really want and get started with that.

Speaker 2:

I do have a guide on my website that people can grab for free and it just takes you through some of these questions. Like you were just asking, what does an ideal week look like? I have a question very similar to that on there If money were no object, what does your life look like? Like, what are you know? It just kind of gets you to dream a little bit, have a vision for yourself, get out of the scarcity mentality more into the abundant mindset that you guys are all about. So there again, there's a lot of synergy there. So it goes through all of that and then kind of leads you into the end of how to make your financial goals based on that. So it kind of starts with the mindset dreaming big stuff and leads you into that. So anyone interested in grabbing that, my website is onefinancialdesigncom, so that's O-N-E. Financialdesigncom and you can grab that.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome. We'll put a link to that in our show notes, julia, and you know what that just answered the question of like, how do you make it? So it's not a dreaded experience, right? What's more fun than dreaming and thinking about, like, what do I really want? And being prompted by those awesome questions and then getting fired up and saying, okay, now, how do I do it? Oh, okay, I have to have the money. Oh, okay, I get it. I have to have the money to do it. Let's get our finances in order. Like to me, that's, that's, that's fire. Like that does it. That's like okay, all right, you know, starting with that first is brilliant, and so I think that that's great. We will put the link to your website and encourage people to take advantage of that free resource and then follow up with you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, one step at a time.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I love it. Well, thank you so much for joining us today, julia. This was such a fun conversation to have with you. I know people are going to be looking for that workbook, they're going to be looking for your website, and I know they can find you on social media as well. All the links are on your website. So thanks again. We look forward to checking in with you again in the future and we appreciate you.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for having me. I appreciate you both. Thank you.

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