The Abundant Investher

Cultivating Your "Zone of Genius" Investor Mindset

February 16, 2024 Beth Rooney and Christine Fiske
Cultivating Your "Zone of Genius" Investor Mindset
The Abundant Investher
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The Abundant Investher
Cultivating Your "Zone of Genius" Investor Mindset
Feb 16, 2024
Beth Rooney and Christine Fiske

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Set up time with Beth and Christine. 
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Unlock the doors to a world where your creativity meets financial growth, and dive into the realm of real estate with a fresh perspective. 

Join me, Christine Fiske, alongside Beth Rooney, for a riveting discussion that promises to shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance, setting you on a path to success in property investment. We unveil the psychological barriers that often get in the way of our potential, and share insights on how broadening your mental horizons can be the catalyst for change. Our exploration isn't just theoretical—we apply the four zones of competency from Gay Hendricks' "The Big Leap" directly to real estate, guiding you toward your zone of genius where passion and skill unite for remarkable results.
The conversation takes a creative twist as we illuminate the dual nature of real estate investment—blending the joy of artistic expression with the thrill of analytical strategy. We delve into the satisfaction derived from transforming spaces, balancing this with the analysis essential for informed decision-making. We navigate through the complexities of partnership dynamics, emphasizing how complementary strengths can forge a formidable team. Moreover, we examine macro trends in markets like Boston, highlighting the importance of staying savvy to economic landscapes to solidify your investment's future.

We wrap up this episode with an open invitation to continue the conversation. Engage with us on Instagram, where your thoughts and questions help us foster a community of like-minded individuals passionate about real estate. Plus, we're excited to offer a sneak peek into a specially curated course that encapsulates the financial wisdom shared today. It's not just about buying and selling; it's about the connections we make and the impact we have on the places and lives we touch. Tune in, and let's embark on this journey of growth and creativity, together.
#realestateinvesting #realestate #mindset

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We would love your feedback. Text us here!

  Inspired to start investing in real estate?
  Get started here>Real Estate Investing Starter Bundle

Set up time with Beth and Christine. 
Start making your dreams a reality> here

Unlock the doors to a world where your creativity meets financial growth, and dive into the realm of real estate with a fresh perspective. 

Join me, Christine Fiske, alongside Beth Rooney, for a riveting discussion that promises to shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance, setting you on a path to success in property investment. We unveil the psychological barriers that often get in the way of our potential, and share insights on how broadening your mental horizons can be the catalyst for change. Our exploration isn't just theoretical—we apply the four zones of competency from Gay Hendricks' "The Big Leap" directly to real estate, guiding you toward your zone of genius where passion and skill unite for remarkable results.
The conversation takes a creative twist as we illuminate the dual nature of real estate investment—blending the joy of artistic expression with the thrill of analytical strategy. We delve into the satisfaction derived from transforming spaces, balancing this with the analysis essential for informed decision-making. We navigate through the complexities of partnership dynamics, emphasizing how complementary strengths can forge a formidable team. Moreover, we examine macro trends in markets like Boston, highlighting the importance of staying savvy to economic landscapes to solidify your investment's future.

We wrap up this episode with an open invitation to continue the conversation. Engage with us on Instagram, where your thoughts and questions help us foster a community of like-minded individuals passionate about real estate. Plus, we're excited to offer a sneak peek into a specially curated course that encapsulates the financial wisdom shared today. It's not just about buying and selling; it's about the connections we make and the impact we have on the places and lives we touch. Tune in, and let's embark on this journey of growth and creativity, together.
#realestateinvesting #realestate #mindset

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Get our Real Estate Investor Starter Bundle for only $47.

Speaker 1:

Hello everyone. It's Christine Fisk and I'm here with Beth Rooney. We are the co-hosts of the Abundant Investor Podcast and we're so happy to have you with us for another episode. Today we're diving into having a mindset of abundance and how it's so important to getting started on your real estate journey. We're going to talk to you about the key tenants of having a mindset that gets you ready to take the leap into real estate investing, and how that can really truly change your life, how it's already doing so for a lot of people in our world. It's such a big part of our business helping women especially, invest in real estate. A lot of the things that we see get in the way. A lot of the obstacle for people is the belief that they can do this and be successful.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, christine, this is one of our favorite topics Because it's universal to anything. If you want to make a change in your life, really the first thing you have to do is make the change in your mind. Once you do that, you can do anything. I love this topic so much because we've spent a lot of time personally on this. We spent a lot of time in our business in this and I know we're so passionate about it. It takes a lot of courage to invest in real estate. It takes a lot of courage to make a move With your primary home. It's so emotional for people. They think it's this big, insurmountable challenge, when really it's not what we're. The challenge is, that is so insurmountable is really inside their own mind. Change your mindset, change your world Exactly.

Speaker 1:

I think it's been foundational to changes that we've made. Personally, when we see other people around us making big moves, it always started for them with mindset too. I don't think for most people this comes really naturally, because what happens is we get to a place it's homeostasis. We're comfortable, our body is set at a certain temperature 70 degrees. We don't really feel too comfortable when the temperature rises, when we are up at 72 or we're down at 68. We can start to feel it.

Speaker 1:

There's something in ourselves that craves and goes back to comfort that in some degree is working against us.

Speaker 1:

The beautiful thing is, once you're aware of that and once you know and can feel that happening and you get the more you practice, the more you're tuned into it you can feel oh, I feel the discomfort it's feeling a little bit. I'm very uncertain. It's a sign that you're probably moving towards something that's outside your comfort zone. If you're doing it intentionally, towards a goal or a dream of yours, it's a really good sign because it means that you're moving closer to it, which is the only way that you're going to make that leap to the next level of whatever it is, whether it be I mean this is true for anything, whether it's career, whether it's starting to invest in real estate, whether it's making a big move to another part of the country or the world without anything really pushing you there. We can always be making intentional decisions, but when we get so comfortable and we forget that we have the ability to do this and that it's in our best interest to keep growing, that's when the magic really happens.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 100%, christine. You keep saying the word leap, which I love. There's a great book that we both like we just had a little sidebar conversation, but we're going to talk about it in this podcast. It's called the Big Leap. It's by Gay Hendricks and it talks about the various zones that people tend to hang out in, and I'll just give what those four zones in and we'll talk a little bit about this.

Speaker 2:

But sort of the bottom zone is this zone of incompetence, and that's where you're doing a job maybe that you're not really great at, that you don't really love, but you're able to sort of do it. The next zone is a zone of competence. This is something that you're doing that you're pretty good at, but it's not that challenging and you're getting compensated, but it's not anybody could do that job. The next zone is the zone of excellence, and this is where so many of us hang out, right. This is where you're doing something that's challenging, that you're good at and that you're getting compensated at, but it's not really lighting you up.

Speaker 2:

And the fourth zone is what really where we want to get to, is this zone of genius. It's when you lose all track of time. You're so immersed in what you do, it brings you such joy and you're getting compensated in a way that's way bigger than you ever anticipated. And that zone of genius. In this book, gay talks about the fact that most people only find that maybe an hour a week or an hour a month, or it really is where you should be spending most of your time during the days, in this zone of genius, and I think you and I are two people that say yes, hell yes, that's what we should be hanging out.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. You know, I think in all of us there's a place and there's a time when we felt that, when we feel called to do something bigger, when we feel that knowing inside, that inner knowing that we're made for more. Some of us feel it more than others, and I think the more you surround yourself with people and conditions that are, you know, prime for that so other people that are doing the same the more you're going to remember that's true for you too, and who we hang out with and how we spend our time really dictates the way that we feel. So it's a super important thing and it's part of what we're cultivating on our real estate team here for agents that are looking to join us, and we do have. It's really fun because we're starting to attract agents and I think they're seeing that, that we're doing things differently and we're doing it in a really high vibe, and we're here for collaboration, not competition. We're just doing things in our own way. But it's all to say that you get to choose where you want to be energetically, and when you're in a high energy and you're in this state of like, knowing that you're made for more, you can do so much more than otherwise you might believe that you can, and I think that that's to grow that is so important, because it is possible to make these quantum leaps. We don't have to always grow at a small, small steps pace. We can take these quantum leaps when we start to change our beliefs, and a lot of our beliefs are limited and they're stuck in what we've always known.

Speaker 1:

So if you feel, if you've never been around people that invest in real estate, it's probably going to feel like foreign to you. It might feel scary to you, even if you haven't invested. Maybe you've been a good saver all your life with your money. So you, like, are good at stashing away 10% of your paycheck and maxing out your 401k if that's been your MO Then maybe taking that money into another asset class and making an investment feels a little overwhelming. I know that. You know, for a lot of people it does feel like a big leap. The title of the book, right. And when we do, when we're willing to take a step with courage like that, take a bold step like that, that's when we see so much growth and I just want to address, like, is there downside? Yeah, okay, there might. It may not work out exactly as you thought, but usually we tend to overestimate the downside and underestimate the upside.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 100%. And I think I think, christine, you hit on this perfectly when you talked about, you know, your mindset and you know starting to think and believe it's possible. And, by you know, a great way to do that is to start to surround yourself with people that have done it and have shown you the way that it is possible. And, you know, once you start to see that, you start to, you know, hopefully, believe that it's possible for you to and this is, you know, we're talking about real estate investing. But this is really anything that you do in life, right, really taking the time to say, okay, I believe there's more for me and I feel it, and I think it's usually a gut feel. You know there's something.

Speaker 2:

I know that when I hired you to be my coach, I hired you because I had a gut feel that I had more to give to this world than I was giving it. And it was no offense to anybody that I worked with or anything to do with what I was doing, but I had a driving feeling, like a really strong gut feel, that I was made for more than what I'm able to do in my current job. And did I know the answer? No, did, I think I'd be hosting a podcast with you two years later. No, so you don't need to know the path right. I think we all get stuck on that, like people want to know the exact path Right, and I would argue, way more important is to listen to your inner self and build a mindset that more is possible, and believe it and then trust the process.

Speaker 1:

Trust the process. Yeah, if there's anything I say to my coaching clients, it's trust the process, and I work with so many. I work with a lot of smart people. We're analytical, we've been trained to think with our head things through that we lose sight of that gut feeling and I can say I talk about this a lot I went to a seminar to figure out how to take my marketing business to the next level five years ago. I sat there and I realized my heart was not in that. I was not truly lit up by that, because I can tell you, in all the visualizations I kept seeing this house. I kept seeing that and I was like, well, I guess I want a beach house and I guess that's part of my life, but what's my career plan? So look at where I'm at right now.

Speaker 2:

So I love it.

Speaker 1:

I love it. I'm not having a marketing business and I'm very entrenched in many aspects of real estate at this point. So I think we don't always know, because we're so entrenched in our current beliefs that we can't see the path, or we can't eat, we can't even. Sometimes we don't even know the destination, and a lot of people get bent out of shape, saying I don't really know what I'm meant to be doing, or I don't know what I'm passionate about. And so let's get clear, like what are the things that light you up? I mean, for me it was like I could see this beach house. I thought I was gonna be spending my summers there, not continuing to invest in them and fix them up.

Speaker 1:

So you don't always have to know. You have to be willing to take a bold, courageous step in the direction of what the inkling is, and you can hold on to your current job if you want. You don't have to. It doesn't have to be a free fall, right? I think it's wise to keep some familiarity, of course, because our brain is going to send off some alarms when we do things out of our comfort zone. But yet that is truly what gets us to that feeling that you're talking about Beth. Like I knew, I was made for more.

Speaker 2:

Like anyone.

Speaker 1:

No one is more special than the next. I just wanna say, like Steve Jobs, Michael Jordan, Oprah, Oprah, none of these people had anything more than you or I have. And then anyone listening has. They simply followed their instincts. And if you listen to these people, they talk about all three of those examples actually, like it's very clear, and I don't think we draw the analysis enough of like very successful public figure people. They rely on intuition, they rely on their gut and they had the courage to think outside their current belief system.

Speaker 1:

So I think, there's just there's a lot to be said for that. And so what's that next step for you? I would just challenge everyone and invite everyone to think about that Like what's one step you can take toward either the real estate investing that you've been thinking about, or maybe making a move selling a house market, that where others are zinging and you want a zag but you're not quite sure you can do that. I mean, it's people are doing it, People are selling their houses in this market, Interest rates will always will change. You have wonderful opportunities right now to get into investment properties or even change where you live if you're willing to let go of the attachment to what has always been.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think that's so great and I think you know, Christine, thinking about getting into specifically getting into real estate investing. I think one of the reasons why it's so appealing to so many people is that it allows you to maybe test something and have fun with something on the side while you stay, maybe, in the career. That's your zone of excellence, right, and you can say, okay, I've, you know, I've created some, I've created some wealth for myself, some success in my career. I know it's not lighting me up, but it's paying the bills right, it's keeping the lights on. So maybe you think about real estate investing, because I think you know real estate investing does. It appeals to both sides of the brain, right. You get to be creative.

Speaker 2:

There's so much creativity in real estate.

Speaker 2:

Whether you're buying and fixing and flipping a property that you are eventually gonna live in, whether you're gonna do that to sell it, whether you're buying a vacation home, like you've talked about a lot, and furnishing it and really envisioning on how are people going to really have great times here, or getting a midterm rental to a place that's comfortable for your you know, traveling nurses, whatever it may be.

Speaker 2:

There's a really fun like creativity side of it. And then there's also this like analysis side of it, right, the numbers, and even that takes some gut feel, right? So you know there's much more to analyzing a property than what you can get off of Zillow, right. It's like, well, what else? And you talked about this last week, about, you know, investing in a community that's new to you. So getting to know people in the community and talking to people in the local restaurants and making friendships and hearing from people about what makes this neighborhood different than that neighborhood and why is this one a little bit more expensive? What's happening here that I should know about? That will add to the data that I can pull off of the MLS and all these other places.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's so many good things that you said in there. Just on that last point, there, I think there's. You know, it's an art and a science. It's looking at the current numbers but then also saying, well, what's happening with that dilapidated building down the street? Is that because you know, who knows, there might be a plan in the works for luxury condos that's gonna send your condo that you're looking at through the roof like in value, right? So it's.

Speaker 1:

And that's where being curious and being really open-minded and unattached, that whole, which is really a mindset, is so valuable for you.

Speaker 1:

And having the conversation with the waitress at the restaurant or the pub and asking, like, how do you live in the neighborhood, how do you like living here, those things are feeling your way.

Speaker 1:

It's the art, it's the feeling your way into the community and whether that's a place that you want to invest or not. So I do, I love that. And there are the analytical sides and so, and if you're in a partnership where one person's more tends to love the more like intuitive and one loves the more analytical, great, like you are really well matched and trust each other, because we see this with couples sometimes, where one person is ready to invest and has good gut feel, and the other person is, oh, I just don't know about the numbers. It's really risky and they get all in their head and someone analytical about it and it holds both of them back. So, trusting each other and working together on that the other thing that you talked about before, that is the, you know, like Zillow, is just a number and it's really it's not everything. It's usually wrong, it's usually wrong.

Speaker 1:

So, working with an agent who again like go on intuition, work on an agent who's high vibe, who's in your, who feels good to you, to help you decipher some of this information as well and tell you about things that you may not know, that are happening in the community, and do some research as well. I would advise anyone to understand what. What's the news? What's the news been in the area, because something might be happening that is either going to boost or pull down the market that you may not be aware of.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think that's really important. I think you know, looking at overall trends, like if you look at, we're in, we're in greater Boston, right, boston? You know what makes Boston's market so solid are things like our amazing universities, our amazing hospitals that are teaching hospitals that are drawing people from around the world not only to build a career but to, to, to, to get, you know, cured of of, of horrible diseases. I mean, we're, we have, we're such a Mecca and that is starting to grow. Our biotech industry and all of those things are are really big macro trends. But it's really important to know that because we also have a really big housing shortage. So that makes our property value really high but it also makes the investment a much better investment because those things are going to be here for the long term.

Speaker 2:

Those are not, like you know, flash in a pan kind of thing, right?

Speaker 1:

And they're guaranteed. They've been here for a long time already. And the other thing that you talked about was like this, this interest in being creative. So one of the things I think we both have loved, as we've added equity to properties that we own, is the ability to be creative with our hands. And actually, you know, we spend so much, so many people spend a lot of time behind a computer and we spend a lot of time in our day jobs. In this zone of excellence, we forget what the zone of genius is, and I think we've we've seen a lot of people and have had the experience of being able to. We're all creators.

Speaker 1:

So be creative, and whether it's designing the layout for a new floor plan, or whether it's shopping for the furniture and designing the space and putting your interior design skills to to use, whether you're formally or informally trained right, being able to visualize what could the house look like if we painted it different colors, as simple as that, and then you can be the one painting it or you can outsource that. But it all requires a creative vision, and that is, I think, especially I'm just going to say for a lot of women who grew up playing house, playing Barbie dream house. You know, like getting dressed up like we love to express our, like. The female, the feminine energy is expressive and I think a lot of women like where people are suffering right now is like not expressing themselves.

Speaker 1:

And this is a way to express yourself. It's a way to have your creativity come out and you get to try new things. I mean one of my. You know my style has been pretty much the same and I got to try some different things in the last midterm rental that I renovated. Oh, let me try this bold paint color. Right, it's just a medium, it's a canvas for you to create, which we are here to do.

Speaker 2:

By the way, yeah, I love it, I mean, it's so. You know, one of the great things about real estate is you get to go into people's homes, and when you walk into someone's home, you get to see their personality. It just comes bombing out at you, right, you know, it's just incredible, like how it's, it's really, um, it's, you're right. Like this, the ability to be creative, whether it's your own personal home or an investment in you know, christine, you talked a little bit about the. You gave some examples of people that were, you know, these Oprah and Steve Jobs, and like, what they have in common is this ability to really get to their zone of genius.

Speaker 2:

And I did a year long intensive coaching program. It was called energy leadership, and we talked about the, the seven zones of not of genius, of of energy, where people hang out in zones one or two kind of negative, like oh, poor me, or everybody stinks. You know, that's the one for me. And then the next thing we went to was the whole world stinks and everybody stinks. And zone three is again back to this, like zone of excellence or or competence. Zone three, this level three, is where so many people hang out and it's like I'm okay, you're okay, everything's okay and we were put on this earth to be okay. We were created. I believe I'm very you know fate. We strongly believe that we were put on this earth to enjoy life and not to just hang out in. It's okay, I'm okay, you're okay.

Speaker 2:

And when you talk about those people, they are zone four. Level four is like a very kind of a caregiver kind of level that people hang out Lone. Level five is when people start to really become great leaders and they really care about not only doing well for themselves but seeing other people do well. And level six is where some of the greatest leaders of the world live and it's where they're really trusting their intuition and using that intuition to do good for themselves, do good for the world. And I love that and I think.

Speaker 2:

And then level seven is sort of like you know the Buddha you get to. You may only catch that low, that zone here and there, but I think going back to tying that back to sort of real estate investing is a lot of it is using your gut and using your intuition and saying I can really see, you know, a family having a great vacation in this house and, like you were saying before, part of the part of the knowledge you use to buy your Cape House was that you spent that time there as a kid. You had your own memories. You brought your own children to a neighborhood right nearby. You had all of those memories to say, hey, this is a. I'm going to use that in that intuition that I've learned to trust myself, to know that this is an investment that's going to be a good investment, because other people are going to want to create memories just like that here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that's exactly that at the end. That like seeing it beyond the investment that I'm giving right, like Tony Robbins talks about this at the highest form of evolution, is like is giving back to others, is being like you're over your own goals and what you can pull into your world, like what you can attain, and it's such a higher form of vibrating is giving back to others. And that's like, truly, when I feel the best is when I think about families making memories in these beach houses, especially because, yeah, I had my own and I know I know what that feeling is and to be able to provide a place for people to have that for themselves. And then they tell you oh, my gosh, you never believe. Like we had the best time. We're going to remember this forever.

Speaker 1:

Or this was like such a great place for me to heal after I was sick and you know, people say the most heartwarming things and that's the biggest win of all. Like that's the biggest win of all. And, by the way, like it's an investment right, it's an investment, but I think what we're all really searching for is that faith-based higher level feeling, that level seven Buddha let me touch that whenever I can because there's nothing like it, and that's what I believe we're really here for.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love it. I know our listeners are going to hear it in your voice. We happen to be recording this on a Zoom call so I can see your face but you were just in the zone of genius talking about that. Like that's what we're talking about. We're talking about real estate investment, but really what we're talking about is helping people find that zone of genius where they can be, where life isn't just good, it's freaking awesome.

Speaker 2:

And it's funny because as we talk to more and more people, as we're doing this one-on-one coaching, they're not coming to us and saying Beth and Christine, I want to get to my zone of genius. They're saying I have this job, that it's brought me lots of great things, but it's not doing it for me anymore. It maybe did it for me for years, and these are people that are in all different walks of life, but there's a common theme and they're saying I want to explore real estate investing, and why? Because it gives them freedom of time, it gives them creativity, it gives them the ability to not just be creative but to actually create, and I think that that's what people are searching for. And real estate, investing in real estate as a whole is a great fit to that.

Speaker 1:

Agree, totally agree. So I mean, and if you're interested in it and this appeals to you and you want to learn more about how we think of it, think about it. We have a package, we have a new bundle that we're offering. It's a course, it's a 45 minute course and then it includes some really great freebies. It's got a workbook that goes with the course so that you can get started in thinking about what is your real estate investment journey look like for you. It's got this awesome calculator where we'll walk through it with you in the course and show you how to run the numbers to see if something is a good investment on the science side, and we'll tell you what we use.

Speaker 1:

We'll get into more detail of the art of it and how we've made decisions about investing in our primary residents and investment properties, like what are the key things that we're looking for and the gut checks we're having. And that's only $47. So we're offering that to our listeners and to our community. The link to that will be in the show notes. If you're interested, we'll also link the books that we mentioned particularly. We do love this book by Gay Hendricks, the Big Leap. It's been instrumental in both of us making some big leaps in our lives.

Speaker 2:

This is a great conversation, christine. It was so fun. I hope all your listeners enjoy it. And yeah, follow us on Instagram and don't be afraid to DM us. Let us know what you're thinking. We'd love to hear from you. We always love meeting people and reach out. And yeah, I think that course is a great place to get started. If we've piqued your interest, start there. It's only $47. It will get you the inside look at what does some of these numbers look like and how to get your journey started. Awesome Thanks everyone.

Abundance Mindset in Real Estate Investing
Real Estate Investing
Real Estate Investing and Creativity
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