The Abundant Investher

Habits that Catapult Entrepreneurs to Next Level Success

January 22, 2024 Beth Rooney and Christine Fiske Season 1 Episode 23
Habits that Catapult Entrepreneurs to Next Level Success
The Abundant Investher
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The Abundant Investher
Habits that Catapult Entrepreneurs to Next Level Success
Jan 22, 2024 Season 1 Episode 23
Beth Rooney and Christine Fiske

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Ever wondered what catapults successful entrepreneurs and agents to the top of their game? We're about to take you through the core disciplines that these high-fliers swear by. Your hosts Christine Fiske and Beth Rooney share the inside scoop from our own experiences and those we've witnessed in the trenches of entrepreneurship and real estate. From the crucial habits that pave the road to financial triumph, to the mindset of collaboration over competition, we're covering it all. Get ready to learn how a clear vision, rigorous discipline, and the art of showing up can transform your business aspirations into concrete results.

It's not all about the grind; it's also who you know and how you collaborate. In this conversation, we dissect the art of networking and reveal how curiosity can be your golden ticket to forming valuable connections. Dive into the world of real estate with us and discover the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone, the magic of asking the right questions, and the impact of offering value with no strings attached. We also tackle the topic of online presence, shedding light on how letting go of ego can amplify your confidence and establish your digital footprint. We share the story of Amy Gregory, running a real estate and digital course empire, whose success is a testament to the power of collaboration and an abundance mindset.

We wrap up with actionable insights into crafting daily routines that set the stage for success. If you're steering your own ship in the entrepreneurial seas, you'll want to hear how self-imposed structure is far from restrictive—it's the very thing that grants you freedom. Plus, listen as I recount a tale of a young agent whose career took a positive turn, all thanks to some tweaks in his daily routine. We're also inviting you to reach out and join us for a special investor coffee event, designed for the real estate curious and veterans alike, emphasizing once again the collective strength of community in the entrepreneurial journey. Embrace these insights and watch as your endeavors soar to new heights.

Listen to referenced episode 21: How to Unleash the Power of Your Vision and Make 2024 Your Best Year Yet!

For Agents: Try out Powerhouse for a month, join group calls run by our fearless leader Amy Gregory at eXp

Get started investing in real estate with the Property Prosperity free masterclass. Register here

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Get our Real Estate Investor Starter Bundle for only $47.

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We would love your feedback. Text us here!

Schedule an appointment to learn more about working with Beth and Christine.

Ever wondered what catapults successful entrepreneurs and agents to the top of their game? We're about to take you through the core disciplines that these high-fliers swear by. Your hosts Christine Fiske and Beth Rooney share the inside scoop from our own experiences and those we've witnessed in the trenches of entrepreneurship and real estate. From the crucial habits that pave the road to financial triumph, to the mindset of collaboration over competition, we're covering it all. Get ready to learn how a clear vision, rigorous discipline, and the art of showing up can transform your business aspirations into concrete results.

It's not all about the grind; it's also who you know and how you collaborate. In this conversation, we dissect the art of networking and reveal how curiosity can be your golden ticket to forming valuable connections. Dive into the world of real estate with us and discover the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone, the magic of asking the right questions, and the impact of offering value with no strings attached. We also tackle the topic of online presence, shedding light on how letting go of ego can amplify your confidence and establish your digital footprint. We share the story of Amy Gregory, running a real estate and digital course empire, whose success is a testament to the power of collaboration and an abundance mindset.

We wrap up with actionable insights into crafting daily routines that set the stage for success. If you're steering your own ship in the entrepreneurial seas, you'll want to hear how self-imposed structure is far from restrictive—it's the very thing that grants you freedom. Plus, listen as I recount a tale of a young agent whose career took a positive turn, all thanks to some tweaks in his daily routine. We're also inviting you to reach out and join us for a special investor coffee event, designed for the real estate curious and veterans alike, emphasizing once again the collective strength of community in the entrepreneurial journey. Embrace these insights and watch as your endeavors soar to new heights.

Listen to referenced episode 21: How to Unleash the Power of Your Vision and Make 2024 Your Best Year Yet!

For Agents: Try out Powerhouse for a month, join group calls run by our fearless leader Amy Gregory at eXp

Get started investing in real estate with the Property Prosperity free masterclass. Register here

Follow Us on Instagram

Get our Real Estate Investor Starter Bundle for only $47.

Speaker 1:

Hello everyone, it's Christine Fisk from the Abundant Investor, and today I am here with my co-host, beth Rooney, and we cannot wait to dive into the habits of successful entrepreneurs agents, real estate investors. We have witnessed a lot of folks in these spaces and we also draw from our own experience and we've seen a lot of things at work and today we want to share those with you, because we know that you want to be the best agent, investor, entrepreneur that you can be, and we want to share our secrets for what makes you most successful.

Speaker 2:

I love it. I love it. It's so fun to cover this topic, especially with our diverse backgrounds and the amount of exposure we've had to seeing people and really people that have been very, very successful and people that have been challenged and both of us, I think what we have in common is our ability to coach people. But mine is a little bit more specific to real estate. Having managed real estate offices in Greater Boston for over 15 years, managed over 500 agents, I did a lot of coaching with agents and I have a lot of information and a lot of really examples of what habits top performing agents had in common, and even just outside of that, through my financial services. The disciplines people have to put in place to really be successful financially are very similar, and so people that have good habits tend to be more disciplined, and then they get to do things like save their money in the right places so then that they can invest and grow and really make all their dreams become reality.

Speaker 1:

I love that so much and it is so complimentary of the exposure that we've both had.

Speaker 1:

You've worked in real estate for a long time and financial services with some really big leaders and some entrepreneurial people in that space too.

Speaker 1:

So you've really seen some different types of industry people across different industries, and I guess I've had the same experience, having worked at tech startups for a while, around some phenomenal leaders who are really paving the way for new we're really creating new industries. And then later in my work now as a leadership coach, I'm working with leaders all the time and I see the habits. I have some really top leaders and I get to see, I get to have a front row seat to the things that they're already doing, and then on top of that, they're getting coached. So I know that they're, I know what they're getting in our work together and I think that we, you know, in our own journey of entrepreneurship, we're also realizing what's working right. So this is also not just what we've witnessed, but it's firsthand experience that we both have as well, absolutely. So we're going to share those today, and we have. We have several things we want to share with you and we're just going to start to go through them.

Speaker 2:

I love it. I love it, you know, christine. One thing I would add is that if anybody's listened to us for a long time, they know that we were both college athletes, and something that we really feel strongly about is watching. And again, having managed so many different salespeople and you know different industries, I love watching how my athletes perform so well, and it's just so natural and I think it has a lot to do with today's topic around establishing really strong habits, behaviors, disciplines you choose the word it becomes you know for, for especially college athletes, they have to have those in place to be able to manage everything, and then it's such a natural translation transition into the work world and using those same skillsets. So for any college athletes out there listening congratulations, you're doing work that you'll. That will stay with you forever.

Speaker 1:

Right. And if you're not a college athlete, these are skills you can pick up. There's no reason why anyone can't can't start to develop these habits on a at any point in time. It's really a choice, it's the decision that you want to embrace it and it's your why. It's your hunger what is driving you.

Speaker 1:

And I think when you're on a sports team, you've got to show up for your teammates, and we talk about that a lot, and often entrepreneurs are on their own and they're not necessarily showing, at least initially. They're not always showing up for other people. So I think that's where it's great to have accountability partners. It's great to have a coach, it's great to tune into podcasts like this, where you can be supported and feel like you're part of a community where you're not operating alone as an island. I know for me there was, so I rode. So the boat would not go out literally if not, if everyone didn't show up to practice at five AM. So it wasn't. There was no question mark as to whether you showed up or not Once we got past a certain point of the first few months.

Speaker 1:

If you were committed, you were committed, or you really let people down. So think about now. It's really about yourself. If you're an entrepreneur, you're an agent, you're an investor, you and maybe it's for your family, maybe you're the breadwinner or one of the breadwinners in the house, so how are you going to show up for the people that are counting on you and it's also your clients, by the way yeah, absolutely, yeah, absolutely, yeah, absolutely, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So diving in. I think the first thing that is the most important for entrepreneurs, to start with, anyways, is to have a vision for what they want, and usually we do. I think, though, sometimes we can fall into the trap of saying I'm going to go out on my own and I'm going to work and I'm going to make money, and we're not really clear about what it is that we actually want. So then things get a little hazy and we're not really going after a target. So it's like, if you think about an airplane, the airplane takes off and it doesn't really have a destination. You don't know if you're going to land in San Diego or Chicago, right. And then you might get to Chicago and realize, oh, but I really wanted to go to San Diego, or I wanted to go to Costa Rica, and why am I in snowy Chicago in January? And I think that this is one of the hardest things for people too.

Speaker 1:

I will say it's easy to look around and see what other people are doing and say, oh, I want it like that, or she seems to have it made, I want to make X amount of money, or I want to have X title.

Speaker 1:

Well, is that really what suits you?

Speaker 1:

Because we're all very different and, instead of being conditioned by our outside everything that we see outside, there is a real edge to going inward and saying what aligns for me personally, based on my experience, based on my desires, which, for women especially, but I would say all of us we often get out of touch with what we really want and we don't allow ourselves.

Speaker 1:

What do I really want? What could it look like? And we'll get into ways like who you spend your time with, and seeing examples and reading books are all great ways to get a sense of what the vision could be. It's so important, though, to carve out time to get really clear and also to maybe carry around a notebook with you, and when you get inspired or you have ideas, or even maybe you're scrolling an Instagram bookmark, the things have a category of things that are in your bookmark, that are in your bookmarks that are desires or goals for yourself vision so that you can create a picture and start to paint the ideal scenario that you want, because otherwise, a lot of times, we end up on top of the mountain and we realize it's the wrong mountain.

Speaker 2:

I love it. And this is what makes working with you so fun, christine, because this is your. You're so strong and helpful in helping people really think about this at a very deep level and you know if you think about what you're talking about as, say, you're a real estate investor, right, if you have a vision of being a real estate investor and that vision entails, you know, owning Airbnb's, for example, or short term rentals or furnished rentals, and you're easily distracted and start buying. You know multi families or doing fix and flips or doing other things, or you're trying to wholesale. It's going to be really hard to you know you're going to feel disconnected because the work you're doing isn't what you set out to do. That's perfectly said, exactly so it works for real estate agents.

Speaker 2:

I see that too. You know, and sometimes you are caught. You know you really have to expand that vision. I feel like in my experience, having managed all those agents all those years, sometimes their vision is just too small. There's looking around. They're saying, okay, I'm an agent in Brookline math and I want to be the top agent in Brookline. Well, when there's fewer transactions in a year, like last year, maybe you have to expand your vision to say, maybe I need to go geographically a little bit bigger or maybe there's other income streams I can add to my income so that not only I'm not just a real estate agent, I'm a real estate agent who is also a real estate investor, say, or who can coach other real estate agents. Or, you know, just Stages properties, yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1:

Right, right, exactly. And I see I see examples of that, and I think the people that are doing those things are also they're really happy doing them. A realtor that I worked with recently is also an investor, also a photographer, so other agents hire him to photograph their spaces, and they all support each other too. So that's a really interesting thing. When you have different income streams that feed one another right. So you're kind of marrying the things that you're good at together in a way that makes a lot of sense.

Speaker 1:

This is definitely a key habit of successful people. Yeah, I think we've we've definitely said this before. Millionaires, on average, tend to have six or seven different income streams. So if your goal is to be a millionaire or to be a multimillionaire, you want to look around and say what are the different ways that I can make money, or what are the different ways I am making money, and how could I expand upon that without creating conditions that I don't want? Right? That's right.

Speaker 1:

So, and while we're talking about vision, I just want to remind people that on episode 21, we talk a lot about vision. So back a couple months ago, we or maybe a month ago we spent some time talking about how to create your vision, and we get into the details of it. So if this is resonating for you, I would encourage you to go back to episode 21. The word vision is right in the title, so you'll make sure that you've got it there and spend some time on it, and if you want to dig into this further, this is work that we do too, and we can coach you through that.

Speaker 2:

I love it. I love it. You know, I think it's a really good point to you talk. It's really the word is diversification that comes to mind when you're talking about all the different income streams that millionaires have. And another thing we've talked a lot about this is on this podcast is living your rich life, and sometimes that means going against the status quo and really thinking about where your assets are and how you're deploying those assets. And that's really where a properly structured, high cash value life insurance comes in. You know people say wait, how is that connected to my vision? Well, it's connected to your vision because you're thinking bigger. You're challenging the status quo around just the few silos that are available typically to people to to save in, and you're saying what else are people doing? What are wealthy families doing, what are the options that are out there and getting educated on that, and it's all connected to I think you know again, successful people really thinking a lot bigger than just that one silo that they may be working in.

Speaker 1:

Completely agree, and that will lead into maybe what we talk about next, which is putting yourself in the rooms with other people that are doing things differently, and I think you know a lot of times we just get tired of ourselves. In our situation, we can't really pinpoint what's wrong and we're really feeling like we're ready to grow and we don't see examples of how or you know how to do it, or how other people are doing it around us. And it's time to bust out of our comfort zone. It's time to break out and get into rooms where we can see people doing things differently. Read books about the way things are done differently.

Speaker 1:

You know it's amazing how the book Rich Dad, poor Dad is the first dad so many real estate investors will read and we always recommend it as one of our favorites as well, and it's the whole book is about thinking differently and not going with the status quo, and it's fascinating because so many people have read that book.

Speaker 1:

It's been on the bestseller list for years and years and I forget how many copies sold, but it's a lot, and the real interesting thing is that people are curious about how to do this. I would guess that the people that act on what they learn in the book is less than 5%. Maybe less than 10%, who knows? Maybe less than 1%. We've certainly encountered folks who've read the book and are interested, yet they haven't quite taken the leap, so we'll talk a little bit about what does it take to take the leap as well. I think, though, it's so important to be surrounding yourself with the types of people whether they're in real life or over the air, on podcasts and in books that are doing things a different way, because we tend to get myopic and we forget that there's this big world out there and so many people are living differently and doing life differently and doing business and making money differently.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think so. When you're speaking, I'm thinking of. Two words come to mind. One is just being curious, having the curiosity to say what are other options. And then the other word is connector. I've noticed that very successful people are really good about connecting. Well, you have to put yourself in different rooms to be able to connect people right.

Speaker 2:

If you only hang with the same people all the time and talk to the same people. There's nobody to connect. Your world is very small, but if you successful people are really really good about getting out of their comfort zone, going to events that maybe they don't know. A lot of people, meeting people, putting themselves in situations that for some people may feel really uncomfortable. For others it's an easy. You know it's not uncomfortable, but being curious to see what other people are doing and then meeting people and really trying to connect with them yourself, you know, listening to their story and being curious about their story and then connecting people along the way is so important, especially with real estate investing and real estate agents. You know, helping your clients. You know find new properties and maybe for yourself, if you're an investor, being able to connect with folks and learn about opportunities that they may have, totally agree, and I think that this is something that you're right like.

Speaker 1:

It will come naturally for some people to go out and do in the real world. Some people are more comfortable doing it online. I've noticed Sometimes I feel like more introverted people are more comfortable reaching out to people, maybe in a Facebook group, and I think it's really interesting because I've met quite a few people on Facebook and when I've been delivered about it more recently, and you can really make some connections with people and I think if you're not sure either or you're not sure, you can just go ahead and do it. You're in the real world or the digital world, how to connect with people really well, think of it like this. I love this tip.

Speaker 1:

I give this in my coaching sometimes how can you help somebody else If you put, if you stop thinking about yourself and you get out of your own head and you get out of your own issues and think about the other person with empathy and say how can I provide value to this person? Not because I want anything in return from them, but I genuinely believe that it will feel good for them and for me and that karma will come back to me, what we put out into the world comes back. So how can I help this person? How can I pay, even if I'm just meeting them for the first time, pay them a genuine compliment, ask them a question that really lets them know I'm curious and gets them to think, so that we're not small talking about the weather, because I really don't think 99% of people like small talk, so we can help you with that as well.

Speaker 1:

I just read a fabulous book I think I referenced it on another podcast. It's how to ask great questions, and really asking great questions is the foundation for connecting with people. And, like you said, beth, you become so when, after you and I work together in a coaching capacity, you and you were so valuable to me in providing you said oh, I told this person they should talk to you and this person I should talk to you, and so then I think of you in a totally different light, like, wow, beth is, beth is gold. She's just such a great person, she's so kind, she's thinking of me, and that's how people and it's not just me in this case, it's other people too, and I've heard other people say that about you, and I think that that is the reputation in any type of business. That benefits you right and, by the way, it makes you feel really good too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly Exactly, and I think you know the. There's a couple of things I want to say. One is that we this is we have these investor coffees and we have one coming up soon. It's been really fun to watch people connect and whether they're connecting with each other or with us, it's you can just, it's almost this vibe you can feel in the room, and I'm sure we'll do the same thing when we have the next one online. You can feel it. You can see people saying, oh, it's really great to talk to somebody that is in a situation like mine and just to just to have that is so important. I love that.

Speaker 2:

And the other thing I want to mention on that whole thing is again back to managing real estate agents. Real estate agents that could connect at that level, like you're talking about, and really having like understanding what's important to their, their clients, their buyers, their investors. The ones that did that really well and asked the right questions and were curious were the top agents. They just were fairly good at it and it made people feel good and and then it gave them referrals and that's how they built their business. So I think it's I think it's there's so many ways you can apply that those concepts.

Speaker 1:

It's so great it's actually it comes down to when you're not thinking about yourself and you're focused on the other. So much of it comes down to getting out of your own ego, which is such a game changer for anyone that's building a business and wants to get online. Because the number one complaint I hear from people in terms of why aren't you putting yourself out there and video, or what gets you, what gets you stuck in putting your face and your name out there? They're so concerned about other people, judging them and what other people will think about them.

Speaker 1:

Well, dropping the ego is twofold. It helps you put yourself out there without overly criticizing yourself and caring what other people are going to think about you, because the only reason we really care about others is because we're also judging ourself and we want to belong. Yeah. And then, secondly, it allows it opens the door for more genuine conversations and connections, because we're not having a conversation thinking, oh, what are they thinking of me? And being self conscious about it, which also gets in the way. Yeah. So you know, I think that they're both great ways to think about. Drop. You know, dropping that ego is the common thing between them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it makes it a 10 a sense, mm hmm.

Speaker 1:

And you know, along with that, the one of the other things we want to talk about is having this mindset of abundance and I think sometimes what holds people back and I'm sure this comes up with agents a lot, and I'm more because I'm a new agent, so I recently got my license. However, I have always witnessed agents, I've coached some and watching them. I always feel like there seems to be a persona out there and a vibe for some people in the industry that it's so competitive and I feel like, oh, that is such a crushing mindset because it really makes you feel like you're in scarcity energy. And the opposite of scarcity energy is abundant energy. And I always think back to this when I worked at my first startup and the CEO drew a pie on the whiteboard and he said this is the pie that we have to get a piece of, and right now we have this piece and we had like 5% of the market.

Speaker 1:

But the real exciting thing was that that pie is not fixed. It's grow, it's getting wider and wider and wider, it's getting bigger and bigger and bigger. It's abundant, right, like there is so much that there is plenty for everyone and we're all showing up differently in our own unique gifts and energy, and we're going to attract certain people that are meant for us, and we are not going to be the agents for everyone. You are not going to be the agent for everyone. If you're an agent, however, the people that you're meant to work with are going to line up for you, they're going to be on the same wavelength as you and when you're in a spirit of abundance with your fellow agents or your fellow coworkers, so much more goodness comes from it, and it is such a like an A plus mindset shift, in my opinion, because it changes everything. It really changes, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And I think that I think that there's. So I think that mindset is I couldn't agree with you more, christine, on that. I think having being optimistic really helps people in all aspects of life to say there, there's, there's, there's. You know, there there are people every day buying and selling real estate. How can I be part of that? You know, being part of the, the powerhouse group at EXP, where her tagline, amy Gregory, started this group with the tagline collaboration over competition, and that, just you know, speaks volumes to exactly what you're saying, like when you can collaborate, when you can be willing to share your great idea with somebody else and, and you know, lift them up and and get excited to see them succeed. It just it raises everybody, it raises yourself, it raises your vibe, you it's, like you said, karma, more positive energy comes back to you, and that you know what that translates to financial rewards.

Speaker 1:

It really does.

Speaker 2:

You know, it's not just like, oh, this feels good, no, it actually. I mean, if you look at the amount of business that Amy Gregory is doing and I feel like, go go, becky has that same vibe where she's always, you know, willing to reach out her hand and give feedback and help people move up in their business, it comes back and those are two women that have been, you know, incredibly successful financially and it's built on that theory of you know how can we collaborate? Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

And it's, it's such a winning mindset and there's really no, there's really no downside to it. There's, there's downside, especially if you believe everything's always working out for you and that everything goes along with that optimism Note that you brought up. I think that that's absolutely going to be true all of the time.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, I think it's a great skill set to bring to negotiations to you know what I mean Like. So if you, if you have that same mindset when you're negotiating a transaction, whether it's for you as a real estate investor, if you have that win, win mindset and there's a great book called win, win negotiations I've done a lot of workshops on and what have you it doesn't mean that you, you know, just split the difference, which is another great book. Don't split the difference, but having that, you know true, great negotiators are really good about having that abundance mindset and entering into the transaction with how can everybody win here?

Speaker 1:

Love it. It's so true it doesn't have to be, and it kind of goes back to that collaboration of a competition as well. It's all related, right. If, if you know, if I want to win a transaction, I'm just. I'm thinking about a transaction that I recently had where I was willing to put an escalator. I was the investor and I was willing to put an escalation clause in to get it up to a certain price, and I wanted and I think we outbid 10 other people.

Speaker 1:

In the past, when I didn't have this mindset, I think I would have left that transaction feeling like, oh, did I overpay? But instead I trusted it was working out for me. I trusted that I knew in my bones that I wanted this property and that it is going to be a moneymaker for me in the long term, and so I trusted that and I've never second guessed that. So you know, it's just. It feels really good to be rooted in knowing that things are working out for you and that things will work out. So when you don't win the house right, because we've worked with buyers who don't get the house and other people outbid them and I have several friends in the market that we've been in for the last several years that have been through this too. It's just trusting that.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So I didn't get the house that I really thought was the house of my dreams. That's okay. The house that I'm supposed to get is working out. I mean, generally, when you look back and you look at your life, things have pretty much worked out and we can control what we can control and we can't what we can't. In negotiating again also, though, it goes back to empathizing, really hearing what does a person really want and it's not often what they tell you, but it's really having that emotional intelligence to know what is it that they are really wanting here and can I accommodate that and still get what I want?

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely, and it's like my friend and former colleague, karen Murray here in Milton would always say would always love to compliment people by telling them they had a high emotional IQ. She would be like that, christine, she's got such a high emotional IQ I can hear her saying it and it's true. It's like the people that can really, like you know, understand the other person, like you're saying, be empathetic and, in real estate transactions, check their emotions at the door. Because real estate, as everybody knows, can become very emotional because it's where people are living and, you know, it's where their family, maybe they have these, you know, they have all these memories of their home and there's so much emotion that goes with it.

Speaker 2:

And as a real estate agent, you really have to check your emotions at the door and be a leader in that transaction. And the same thing I think you're saying the same thing with being a real estate investor. You can't let the emotion of, oh my gosh, I paid over X amount, you know, to get this house. No, you're saying no, I made a strategic decision and I got what I wanted and now I'm off and running and it's going to pay off in the long run. So, yeah, it's really really, really important and it's it's. We're talking about it like it's easy to do. It's not easy to do. It's been. I've watched agents really get themselves into a tizzy and getting so emotionally caught up in their transactions and if they could just take a step back and remove that emotion, they'll see that they're doing not only themselves a disservice, but sometimes the client a disservice, right right.

Speaker 1:

It's so true in anything. If something's getting you worked up, taking a step back and examining what's coming up for me here, right, um, what? Why am I? You know, I think that's a really great question to ask yourself. If you see that pattern happening in whatever line of work you're doing, if you see that you get upset or that you're you get angry with someone, whether or not you show it because, especially as women, we've been taught to be nice and not show these negative, quote unquote emotions what's coming up for you? Usually there's some conditioning there that just didn't serve you. That is a pattern that you're in and okay, guess what you get to break the pattern and again, I know it sounds easier said than done, but there are ways to do this and I can attest that as someone who's worked through some of them, that you definitely have the capacity and ability to do that work and it is really really powerful when you can.

Speaker 1:

You used to be emotional about things and you can drop it. We all have triggers, we all have things that tend to be the things that set us off and, if we can, this is where I love meditation, because meditation allows us to stop and create space between the stimulus and the reaction. So if we can just stop and say, oh, I feel worked up right now, what is that really about? That is so so powerful in helping us to say, oh, okay, I see where this is coming from, because we always get to choose. We always get to choose whether to react or respond, and if we'd rather respond which I highly recommend because it will raise your emotional IQ so high then you are going to be so much more successful, because really, any business is about people and this is how you interface and interact with people, and they're going to recognize that from 100 miles away.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love it and I love it and I think it's a great lead into sort of our final point around. You know, successful people have really strong daily routines and you know, I think meditating is a big part of it. You know, I've coached people. I remember coaching this young agent who would always say he didn't have time to do all the things that I was asking him to do. And I said, well, let's look at your day. Like, let's just, literally I would have a cabin, kept a journal, and so from 6am to 7am for a week, you know what are you doing this day and I had him bring it back. Well, from 6am to 7am he was sleeping. He wasn't really getting out. He was. I know what it was.

Speaker 2:

He was late to my sales meetings every week and it drove me crazy. I like to be on time and I was like, why is this kid? You know I have four kids. This is a single guy in time. I have four other people after like, get food for and packed lunches and everything. Why am I on time and he's late? And so we worked on it and it was because he was sleeping too late and he was because he was staying up too late. So, like you know, taking like unpeeling the layers of that onion and really starting putting in the discipline of really, the night before getting to bed at a reasonable hour, you don't need to be watching the 11 o'clock news, you can pick. You can the next day look at your phone and get the bullets of what's happening if you really want to be following the healthier, healthier for it.

Speaker 2:

So get to bed at an early, you know, at a reasonable hour, and I'd say that's like in my world mind that's 10. I know that's not always possible, and then get up, you know, at an early hour, you know, I think that during the week 6am is not an unreasonable number, you know. I think also back at, like, you know, being an independent contractor, it's easy to say well, you know I am, you know I could go to the gym at 930. Well, you could, but that's like right in the middle of the day, why don't you get up early and go first thing in the morning? So I think that that that, having that routine that includes being consistent with your sleep it's a healthy thing to do. Being consistent with moving your body, whatever, however, that works for you, and eating healthy, exercising all of that and meditating those, those daily routines. I can't emphasize enough how much that helps people be successful. And I can't look at my top agents and say that any of them didn't do on any of those things. They always were aware of that.

Speaker 1:

Right. I want to say I think a lot of people get into their own business or entrepreneur so that they can have the time freedom and so they can create their own schedule and they can work out at nine or noon or whenever they want to. And I just want to say that's fine if you figured it all out right, but if you're stressed out, wondering where the next dollars are coming from for your, for your next meal or your next vacation and that's something you really want and it's not happening right now I think you've got to be really honest with yourself and look at the structures that you've put in place To manage your business and what you're talking about here about this really creating some structure for yourself and what otherwise is an unstructured world. We all know yeah, we all know when we work in a corporate job, that structure is provided for us, and the biggest thing that people say to me when they're, when I'm coaching them and they want to leave their corporate job, is I want freedom.

Speaker 1:

People don't even want more money. They want freedom. So much of the time. That's awesome.

Speaker 2:

So if you want freedom, it does require discipline still, and these are even more, I'd say, christine, I'd say even more discipline, because, exactly like just to reiterate your point, that structure is not created for you anymore. You have to create it yourself.

Speaker 1:

Exactly that's part of being the boss. It's part of last week's episode was think like a CEO, not an independent contractor. Right, it's a really good one. The tags along with this one.

Speaker 1:

And that CEO mindset is putting the structures in place.

Speaker 1:

It is creating the Structure, the what you know, the habits, the vision for yourself and holding yourself to it, because no one else is going to write.

Speaker 1:

So that sometimes the hardest part for a lot of people to shift into CEO mindset mode is you are, yes, you're taking on more responsibility in a way, but the rewards, once you start reaping them because you will if you stick with it, if you stick with it, it'll start to happen.

Speaker 1:

That is where you really reap the rewards and you find you have all kinds of freedom to make all kinds of decisions and, by the way, when you get to that point, you've already have the structures in place and I don't know a successful entrepreneur that doesn't stick to their routines because they know how good they are for them and actually it feels really good. You don't want to be in it. You don't want to negotiate with yourself when it comes to the routine, you want to put that on autopilot so that it just gets done and it's non negotiable based on I'm just not feeling it today or I don't really have time today because my schedule got disrupted. No, you take control of the schedule and you get to choose when it's going to happen, but you make sure that it happens, right? Yeah?

Speaker 2:

100%. I think that's your. You're right in the. You know, I don't. There's not really much more to add to it, other than you know that self discipline is so important, especially as an entrepreneur or, you know, as somebody that is building their own business. It's really, at the end of the day, it's you, and what did you decide you want to do, and are you being honest with yourself, that you're really taking all the action on a very consistent basis? That means every single day, to move towards that, that goal or that vision.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, and if you need support with that, that is completely reasonable. We can recommend resources, we provide coaching, we will support you. You know I shared this to our recently hired an athletic coach, mainly to be a help me be accountable To sticking to that part of like physical movement that I had gotten out of the habit of being regular with right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah so Put a connect, will put a link in our show notes to connect with us, to meet with us. We'd have a introductory exploratory call, will find out what's working for you, where you'd like some support and we can set up a plan that's customized to you. And we'll also put in here in a link to the investor coffee that we're having coming up at the end of this month for any of you that are real estate investors and you'd like to connect, you'd like to become one right.

Speaker 1:

You don't necessarily have to be one right now. If you're curious, this is a great place to join us, yes yes, we should call it curious, curiosity coffee and connecting.

Speaker 2:

That's great, so we'll put a link to that in our show notes. To Christine this is great that you're, you're this is. You have so much to offer. That's so valuable for people thinking about this, and it's just been a fun conversation have with you today.

Speaker 1:

Well, thank you so much, and so do you, and I love that we can bring our different experiences to the table, and it's also what is contributing to this business that we're building, and it's a lot of fun.

Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs and Agents
The Power of Connecting and Abundance
Power of Collaboration and Abundance Mindset
Creating Successful Daily Routines
Importance of Self Discipline for Entrepreneurs