The Abundant Investher

How to Run Your Life like a CEO

January 12, 2024 Beth Rooney and Christine Fiske
How to Run Your Life like a CEO
The Abundant Investher
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The Abundant Investher
How to Run Your Life like a CEO
Jan 12, 2024
Beth Rooney and Christine Fiske

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Could transforming your approach to life with a CEO mindset be the game-changer you've been looking for? Beth Rooney and Christine Fiske enthusiastically guide you through the process in our latest episode, where we discuss the power of strategic thinking and leadership in both business and personal realms. We uncover why women, in particular, are a natural fit for CEO roles, breaking down gender stereotypes and fostering a cultural shift. Embrace the CEO within as we share insights on vision setting, building a supportive leadership team, and how these practices transcend traditional business environments, enhancing every aspect of your life.

Have you ever considered the art of delegation not just a business necessity, but a personal growth tool? Our conversation extends into the tangible steps that can drive success, such as valuing your own time and the imperative of financial management. We navigate the intricacies of tax planning, the essential partnerships with financial professionals, and the shift towards an abundance mindset. Money is a tool for creativity and achievement, and we're here to show you how to wield it effectively, equipping you with strategies to delegate with confidence and manage your finances with a CEO's acumen.

Diving into the world of real estate, we empower women to step up as CEOs, simplifying investment analysis and accentuating the importance of financial literacy. We address risk management for the independent contractor, suggest ways to diversify income streams, and stress the importance of continual learning and professional development. Furthermore, we highlight the need for keeping a keen eye on metrics, compliance, and legal matters to stay ahead of the game. With upcoming opportunities for real estate professionals to learn more about running their business like a CEO, this episode is not just a conversation but a springboard for action and empowerment. Join us for this invigorating discussion that is sure to inspire your inner CEO!

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Could transforming your approach to life with a CEO mindset be the game-changer you've been looking for? Beth Rooney and Christine Fiske enthusiastically guide you through the process in our latest episode, where we discuss the power of strategic thinking and leadership in both business and personal realms. We uncover why women, in particular, are a natural fit for CEO roles, breaking down gender stereotypes and fostering a cultural shift. Embrace the CEO within as we share insights on vision setting, building a supportive leadership team, and how these practices transcend traditional business environments, enhancing every aspect of your life.

Have you ever considered the art of delegation not just a business necessity, but a personal growth tool? Our conversation extends into the tangible steps that can drive success, such as valuing your own time and the imperative of financial management. We navigate the intricacies of tax planning, the essential partnerships with financial professionals, and the shift towards an abundance mindset. Money is a tool for creativity and achievement, and we're here to show you how to wield it effectively, equipping you with strategies to delegate with confidence and manage your finances with a CEO's acumen.

Diving into the world of real estate, we empower women to step up as CEOs, simplifying investment analysis and accentuating the importance of financial literacy. We address risk management for the independent contractor, suggest ways to diversify income streams, and stress the importance of continual learning and professional development. Furthermore, we highlight the need for keeping a keen eye on metrics, compliance, and legal matters to stay ahead of the game. With upcoming opportunities for real estate professionals to learn more about running their business like a CEO, this episode is not just a conversation but a springboard for action and empowerment. Join us for this invigorating discussion that is sure to inspire your inner CEO!

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Speaker 1:

Hello everybody and welcome back to the Abundant Investor Podcast. I'm your host, beth Rooney. I'm here with Christine Fisk, my co-host, and we have an awesome podcast in store for you. Today we are going to talk about living your life and managing your life like a CEO, and we're going to take you through all the various roles that a CEO plays and how you get to really apply that to your life. Whether you're a stay-at-home mom or you have a corporate job or you're an independent contractor, you can really take this mindset and apply it to anything you do, and we're going to give you an example examples throughout the show on how you can do that. And stay tuned to the end, because we have lots of ways that you can get involved with the Abundant Investor.

Speaker 2:

This is such a great episode, beth, because it applies to, as you said, so many different people and so many different roles, and I think by owning this mindset and harnessing it, we can really take our lives from more passive and average to one where we are the creators and we're building for our families, for ourselves and for the future in a way that is really like a boss. We have a vision that we can set and then we can turn our dreams into reality. So I think everybody wants that, whether or not we believe it's possible is something else, and then having the tools to do it. That is really what we want to empower you with today is the elements of this mindset, so that you can see them as tools in ways that you can embrace anything that you're doing. And we'll, of course, tie it back to some of the things that we do most here real estate, investing, thinking about how to fund that, thinking about how to grow well through real estate.

Speaker 1:

I love it. I love it. It's so great because this is a great time of year to have this conversation, because I think the A number one role of a CEO is to set a strategic vision for their organization. And again, your organization could be your family, it could be the department that you're running and, whatever job you're in, it could be all of your clients. But setting a strategic vision is so important.

Speaker 2:

I agree. I mean, I'll speak for myself for just a moment here Changing this mindset for me really changed the way that I looked at my business from a business perspective and really even just shifting my mindset. I could see the correlation with the types of clients that I brought in, with my revenue growing, with the way that I worked and really owning it and feeling like I could manage my time better, feeling more empowered to hire employees. So it really changed the game of not only how business ran, but also how the rest of my life was running Right.

Speaker 2:

And I think this is how, since we created the Abundant Investor, this is the mindset that we've embodied and we feel like women are naturally CEOs and we're all we're so in the skill set, and I think it's so often right in front of us that we sometimes miss it. And we also sometimes miss it because the word CEO, or the letters, the acronym, has been associated so long with the masculine. Because if we, if you say CEO, probably the first vision that comes for a lot of us, just because this has been ingrained in our culture for so long, is more masculine. However, we want you to really flip the script and think about all the things that you would do to run your life today and how it's so multifaceted. And then there's so many components and you're actually doing so many things. You are the CEO, and when you embody that even more and you really take ownership of it, it can change your life, absolutely, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Actually, I think women are natural CEOs. We're just naturally good at shifting gears and seeing the big picture and taking temperature checks of all the people around us and steering the ship in the right direction, and it's a natural skill set for women and we can decide that we're upset and angry about the fact that there are so few CEOs in corporate America, or we can take control of what we can control right now in our own little world and be the best CEO of our world that we can possibly be.

Speaker 2:

Right, I love it. Yeah, I love it. And we can build businesses that way. And maybe we don't want to build a business, maybe we want to be home and we want to have some real estate. We can still approach it like a CEO, because, in fact, that's what we're really doing is we're running an organization. When you think about it, that's what a CEO is. So let's change that paradigm for ourselves, for our daughters, for the future, because we have the ability to really hone so many of these natural skills to bring the best out in others and ourselves with the business. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1:

I love it. I love it. So a few episodes ago, we talked about creating a vision for yourself for 2024. And I invite our listeners to think back around. Did they do that work? If they haven't, maybe it's a good episode to go back and listen to again. And if you had, this is a natural progression on that episode to really start saying okay, I've spent some time really thinking about my vision and what my strategic vision is for myself, what I want 2024 to look like, what I want to choose. That feels really good. And now let's start talking about the execution of that again. Like a CEO, a big part of that is another big part of what a CEO does is build a leadership team around them, and who you surround yourself with is so important, right.

Speaker 1:

I just put a quote up on our story on the abundant investor, about your network being your net worth and really choosing people that build you up and support your dreams and get excited just as excited as you are about your dreams and people that you can talk to about it and our enthusiastic it's so important.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. These people are going to be the people that influence you the most. I've said it before and will say it again the five people you spend the most time with are the ones that are going to rub off on you the most, and you're gonna end up Looking, feeling, being like these people, whether you like it or not. And I think when we make the deliberate choice to consider who those people are and the selective about our groups and also stretch ourselves sometimes right to be, I think sometimes we can get intimidated by people who seem to have more figured out than we do. When we put ourselves in the room and we ask questions and we just spend time with those people, we're gonna learn and grow a lot faster than if we're sitting back in our comfort zone with the people that we've always hung out with. So I'm a huge advocate for that that.

Speaker 2:

I think sometimes you might even pay to be in the room with those people. So you might be paying to go to a conference, right it's. There's opportunities to stretch yourself that way. Or maybe you're inviting someone to coffee that's a friend of a friend who you've always admired and you want to get to know better and connect with or you like their energy right, so you decide to enroll with them. So I totally agree and coaching leaders a lot that one of the biggest things that weighs on leaders is the people around them. So I see it in coaching that people are really affected by their fellow leaders quite a bit and when it clicks, it really the magic happens. Magic happens. So I it's really important, as you said, that I think that's one of the most important parts about being a CEO and having that mindset.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I think that it comes it. You know mel robbins talks a lot about even choosing who you're following on instagram. Yeah, and you know what are you consuming. If you're consuming like I, you know if you're find yourself consuming things that aren't Supporting you in a positive way, and stop consuming them, just delete bomb you don't have to follow that goodbye. I also talk about this as having led a lot of real estate agents.

Speaker 1:

I find it A lot of times agents look around the four wall, the room in the four walls that there within in their office for inspiration, and I'm saying that you know, I think we've been saying for a long time, it's a lot bigger world out there and it's brought in your view and to you know without it's not an insult to those that you do that you love and work with side by side, but you, if you're not growing in, the people around you are growing you're certainly not gonna get that inspiration From the four walls and that really taking a higher level view and seeking out people that are doing the running their business the way you want to run yours is a really smart thing to do.

Speaker 2:

A hundred percent because it's out there, if you can believe it, like it's out there for you and there's so many people in this world and we just would get myopic sometimes and we forget. Yes, the world is so much bigger than what we're seeing right in front of us and so I would. I also would like what I want to make a plug for getting out there, because I think ever since the pandemic it's just been easier to stay home. We got into some routines and patterns and habits around that that don't always serve us. I'm not gonna say that sometimes, you know, sometimes it does serve us. Sometimes it just takes a little extra effort to get yourself out the door to go to that event.

Speaker 2:

Last night I went to a reunion with old coworkers. It was really invigorating for me and I didn't know, and you never know exactly but if you go into these Opportunities to meet with other people and see other people with an open mind and an open heart, I think you're more likely to connect and Be inspired and make connections and that's where the magic happens. I think the more touches you're having with other people, the more opportunities that are going to come about. And if you're a real estate agent. You know that, naturally. I think you know that networking Any business owner, it's really important and even if you're thinking about doing something new For the inspiration, at the very least get out there and talk to different people and make decisions about who's filling your cup and who's energizing you so good, yeah, it makes a ton of sense.

Speaker 1:

It makes a ton of sense. And as a CEO, you also get to choose what you work on. Right, and some of us things we love to do and some of us have things that we hate to do. As simple as something like food shopping. It's so easy to delegate food shopping, right, I'm one of those weird people that for some reason, I like to do it. I don't know. It's like coming to me, but you get to delegate that if you don't like it. And when I have little kids, I hated it because you know you're putting them in the in the car, you take them out, touching everything.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know where was amazon delivery and, yeah, all those services I use, I love it.

Speaker 1:

So you know delegating and in building a team of staff really around you, around where do you want to be spending your time? Christine, you're really good at this in our business around saying you know what. We can hire somebody to do that so easily.

Speaker 2:

There's tools like up work and yeah my gosh grab it in all types of ways that you can get support this has been a game changer, and I think it's for a lot of women, myself included. Sometimes we have the inclination to want to control things, and so it can be hard to delegate. However, you cannot grow your vision and grow into your vision the next and next iterations by continuing to do everything yourself, and some of these tasks, like grocery shopping, to me, has become I used to like it, it's become a drink, it's become a drain. So if you're doing tasks that drain your energy, it's also impacting the tasks that energize you. Because you don't have as much energy going into them, you may not have the excitement. So I think you know you can start small.

Speaker 2:

For some people I can see them saying, well, gosh, that's great, but I'm not making A lot of money in my business right now, or when I hit six figures, I'll do it right, and I would say think about what your hourly rate is, think about, think about what your value is, that you're bringing to the table, and if you're listening to this podcast, you are Breathing and wonderful and you are bringing value, and there are people that will do the things that you don't love to do, so that you can free yourself up to do the things that you like to do, and I think that that's a really, that's a really big see you mindset shift.

Speaker 2:

You know it's so interesting because so much of this does relate to coaching. I do with executives and one of the big shifts for people moving into a CEO role or into a bigger role is letting go of the things that they used to do and there's there might even be like a little bit of a morning with that, or the sense of really having to trust others and and then re so that you're spending it on strategy and making sure you're aligning with the vision and having in the conversations with other leaders to make big decisions.

Speaker 1:

So this is it's a really important one and I think that To do that more, yeah, exactly, and I just want to give a little shout out to Go go bethki, who's a incredible leader, who really runs her business like a CEO and she talks a lot about. That is what is. You know, take your, take the amount of time you're putting in your business, take your income and divide the hours out and get your hourly wage and ask yourself is it worth? You know the cost of my time to do that task, especially when it's a task that you really dread, right, right.

Speaker 2:

You know or don't have the skills of like we were talking about some video editing. Sure, we can figure out how to do it. We're not, and we're not above doing it. It's not a really great use of our time, though, to learn all of that when we can hire someone wonderful to do that for us. Oh yeah, I mean we have an incredible.

Speaker 1:

we've met we've made you know met some incredible women. It's been all women that we've hired in our business and they're all over the world. Really. I mean a woman that we've worked with, Laura, is in London. We've enjoyed working with her tremendously and she's got a skill set that we don't have. Yeah, exactly, so it just makes a ton of sense. It makes a ton of sense, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so the other? The next thing I think that's really important for a CEO to be thinking about is managing their finances. This is something that sometimes we talk about the shift from the independent contractor mindset to the CEO mindset.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I think, as an independent contractor, what I've seen a lot of people do, especially women, is really kind of working paycheck to paycheck, except you don't even know when that next paycheck is coming.

Speaker 2:

So having a system, a tracker, even if it's something basic that you create yourself, to look at your finances regularly and to have some plans in place so that you are setting aside money for taxes, setting aside money for expenses that could come up right In real estate, investing this is a big one. Having that fund so that when something breaks you're not in deep trouble because you haven't put aside money to buy the new furnace right. So having that cushion, this all falls under financial management and a CEO really has their hands around it. It doesn't mean you have to be in the details and know exactly how all the different financial instruments work, but you need to be able to talk the language and if you're going back to delegating if you have, if you're sophisticated enough and you're big enough, you might have a CFO, maybe a fractional CFO that helps you to think about the numbers. Hopefully you have a great accountant, because you do want to be thinking about taxes, and you might have bookkeeper as well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and we've talked a lot about Christine, the Money mindset, right, and this is really. This comes into this a lot. Instead of saying things like I hate spreadsheets or I'm not good with numbers, right, you got to change that mindset to say it's just numbers, it's just money, it's just energy, money is energy and if you can in, the better, the more money you have in your business, the more you can be creative, the more successful you're going to feel. I mean this, this, it can be really a positive, positive thing. So, changing that sort of self talk if that's not something that that lights you up to say you know what, it's really important for me to get these fundamental understandings of this information.

Speaker 1:

And, like we just had a call recently with somebody on helping them to analyze a real estate investment, and when you, when you you say, okay, we're going to go through a spreadsheet, I think people's eyes glaze over sometimes. But when you get on a call with them, you say, listen, there's only a couple of major factors you really need to understand what's the cost of owning this piece of property and what's the income that you're going to get, and then what's the delta between the two and if you can, if you can sort of try to think of it more of a game and make it fun. I think it can help a lot with this, because, at the end of the day, I don't know anybody that doesn't like money. I just want more of it. I'm sure there are a few people out there, but I think generally people would say that yes, that's a good thing to earn more money, and so part of that is understanding the, the, the fundamentals of the money.

Speaker 2:

Exactly and knowing how to just look at the numbers and think about it and plan. It is very empowering.

Speaker 1:

So I just I just want to say one other thing on this.

Speaker 1:

I know at the very beginning, when we first launched this podcast, we talked a little bit more about empowering women, and I think this is one of the areas that women get to really be more empowered, especially just within their household. We've had countless, now, examples of now. We've been in this business for a long time. We've met a lot of women that have gone through difficult divorce. We've met women that have become widows, and what we don't want to do is ever have women be unprepared for a time when maybe they're, when they were in a relationship and for some reason, now, whatever reason that may be, they're on their own and without any knowledge about how they got to where they are in their family finances owning. That is really empowering, and we have so many tools that we can help women with to do that, and so it's. It's the, it's a big part of being the c, and I think it's the part that people sort of Don't always love, and I think we get. We get to make it fun and exciting love it.

Speaker 2:

I love that mindset. It can be a game and it's. You know, you can look at everything as a game and and just have fun with it and take the stress out of it. For sure, yeah, it's a.

Speaker 1:

It is and it kind of leads to the next piece of the puzzle being a co and that's risk management and you know that's really important, especially for anybody that's listening, that's an independent contractor.

Speaker 1:

As a former manager of real estate agents in, in seeing how age over 500 agents manage the business, I would say that I would have a lump in my throat a lot about being worried about my agents in the risk that they put themselves in Because they are real estate agents are 100% commission oriented and if they don't diversify that income, they are at the mercy of the the market conditions.

Speaker 1:

If they get injured and can't work, they don't get a paycheck. If their spouse is injured and they are sick and they need to take care of their spouse, it really has a fundamentally deep impact on their ability to earn income and that is a risk and there are ways to mitigate that risk and we've talked about that a lot. But one way to do that is through high cash value, permanent life insurance and again, it doesn't need to be scary, it doesn't need to be, it doesn't need to be icky or, you know, worry some, but it gets to be something that is a tool to help people mitigate risk in their life? Absolutely, I think you said it all.

Speaker 2:

I think that's, I think, always thinking about like that you have some plan B For all the things related to your business, right, and I love the idea and the opportunity that exists today like no other time to diversify income stream and to have another way to make money. So we've also shared this before, but I'll just share it again because I love it. Most millionaires have six to seven income streams different ones so think about that and think about where is their room, instead of feeling like, oh, I'm behind or I'm not doing that. Think about that's juicy, where could I add another income stream?

Speaker 1:

that's a fun way to look at it. Yeah, absolutely I love it. I think that's, I think it's brilliant.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So, moving on, the next tenant in thinking like a CEO that we think about is professional development. Are you thinking about it? Always increasing your skill set are you thinking about how are you leading? Are there things that you can learn? There's always more to learn, and I think For a lot of us, the more we learn, the more we realize there is to learn. And so how are you taking care of yourself in that regard? How are you developing yourself? Are you going to seminars? Are you? Are you investing in personal development? Are you making investments in your skill sets?

Speaker 2:

So I think there's an array of areas here. You can kind of pick the ones that feel most exciting and most relevant to your business. Maybe it's strategic thinking, maybe it's negotiation. I know I've been curious about a lot of these topics and dug into them and dug into a lot of things on the personal development front and it just really broadens the way that I think about things and the way that I know myself, and I know myself as a CEO. So Then you know what you're good. It just helps you to refine what you're good at and you can outsource the rest.

Speaker 1:

So this is very you can't outsource.

Speaker 1:

I love it. I love it and you know it's. This goes back to who you surround yourself with. You know, think about your, your, the people that you're around, and who's that women that always says, oh, you gotta listen to this Podcast, it's so good, I got so much out of it. Or I just read this book that I loved. I look at. I know this is an audio podcast, but we're we're filming this on video. And if you see, behind Christine and I, we both have this huge bookshelf full of books and they're not like you know, they're not, I can tell you novels?

Speaker 1:

they're not like love, mysteries or anything like that they are really great books about, and I, you know, I've become a huge fan of audio books. Obviously, we love podcasts here we are on this but you know, those are all great ways. You know, if you can spend a little bit of time every day Investing yourself by learning something new as new skillset, a new mindset, a new way of looking at something, it's really life changing, and we have a list of books that we love that we can make available to you. There are some books that I think should be required reading for every high school and college student. Number one is rich dad, poor dad, you know, but I think that there's, you know there's. There's others on our list, so we'll share that list with you and in some of them are really fun.

Speaker 1:

Our good friend, amy Elkman, just sent us a, reminded us of a great book by Jen Sincero called you're a bad asset making money, and that's a book that I've read, I've listened to, I just picked up again to read. I mean, some of these books are just really, really tremendous in helping you with not only the mindset but the tactical steps you can take. So Professional development is, you know, is something that is is really a key here to being a great CEO Absolutely love it, and so is building relationships.

Speaker 2:

So this, this kind of tags back to that a bit, but also tags back to who you surround yourself with Listen, just like friendships and I think most women know this friendships take effort and your marriage if you're married or you've been married or been in a serious relationship, it takes work right, and so does building relationships as a CEO. It means it doesn't have to be hard and it doesn't have to be uncomfortable. It's getting out there and connecting with people, offering value to people, being there for them. Everyone, at the end of the day, really just wants to be heard and seen. So can you, can you be there for people and really understand what their needs are, and then, like, when you're there for people, I think the business opportunities just appear, I think they start coming in, I think it all comes back. What we put out into the world comes back to us.

Speaker 2:

So it's such an important pillar for me, and not one that I'm always good at, but when I'm thinking about it I love to do it as well. I love to send text to someone and just tell them that I'm thinking of them. Last night I mentioned going to a reunion and thinking and asking people what they're up to and looking also for the alignment, because if you go in with the mindset of supporting other people and you're clear on what your mission is, you're going to find those opportunities to collaborate and connect with people a lot more clearly than if you didn't. And so becoming part of networks and signing up for group coaching or for networking groups or lunch and learns, like all of these things where it feels aligned and is worth your time, it's amazing. It's always all about the people. It's always all about the people.

Speaker 1:

It's true. It's true, and I think about even as going into being a real estate agent. You're going into people's homes and they're putting the. You have to remember that they have to be vulnerable a little bit. You're walking into their home before they've prepared it. You're telling them okay, mr and Mrs Sellar, the things that you've been collecting all these years are beautiful, but they need to be put away because not everybody's going to See they're the Disney figurines in their future.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly so. Having a skill set to be empathetic to people and to really understand their needs and what's important to them is so, so critical. And I think of any good CEO has really great listening skills. They ask really great questions. They care a lot.

Speaker 1:

This year my son, Chris, graduated from Babson and the speaker for Babson was amazing and he talked about leading with love and it was not what I expected from a business school graduation and it was an amazing, amazing, Just experience listening to him and talking about and I just want to share this one quick story.

Speaker 1:

He talked about his first week on the job and he didn't come from a lot of money and he didn't come from this family that had been in this corporate world for a long time.

Speaker 1:

And one of the first weeks on the job he wore a sports coat over his dress shirt and he didn't take his sports coat off all day and he kind of sweat through his dress shirt and he had somebody that came up to him later and literally took him shopping and bought him some new dress shirts and was like you can take your coat off if you're really hot, and something simple like that. He just kind of just I don't know. He said he just never would forget this really high level leader being so compassionate and really just in a very kind way, kind of showing him the way of how to dress and when you could take your coat off and all that kind of stuff. It was a little story, but this was a CEO of a major corporation standing in front of one of the top business schools in the country and that's what he spoke up. He talked about the relationship that he built over time and leading with love, and it was really powerful. That's so good.

Speaker 2:

It's so true. It's what people remember and when I was talking to former colleagues last night we were Someone went around and took a video of what was the best thing about working here and everybody in one way or another said the people and it was because the culture cultivated amazing relationships and we had to work together. We were a startup that was scrappy startup and we ended up selling for a lot of money to a bigger company in the end and we grew a ton, and the way we did it is by building relationships to work together. That in a way, that was also lighthearted and fun. But these were super smart people who knew relationships and I just think it's not everything, but it's so much of it 100%, 100%.

Speaker 1:

And going to the opposite end of the spectrum here a little bit, is your metrics measuring your results? And I think this goes back to one of the very first things we talked about, and that's your vision. And because if you don't know what your vision is, you don't know what to measure and if you're measuring the wrong things, you're going to go down the wrong path. So if it's important to you to build out your client base and have a lot of clients, is your activity supporting that? And so what are you measuring? Sometimes people there's this high level measurement like, okay, what's the bottom line, what did we take in? But really, what's more important is looking at your activity and where are you spending time, what are you doing?

Speaker 1:

And this again, taking this mindset of a CEO into any part of your life is so important. If you want to have more fun in your life, are you planning for that? Are you giving yourself the time to be creative and think about what does that look like? If you want to be more healthy, are you sleeping right? Are you setting yourself up for success in what's important to you? So the first question is what's important to you, what's your vision? But then you have to say am I measuring it or am I giving myself the space to make sure I'm executing on that?

Speaker 2:

Exactly. I think the example that comes up for me, beth, is when we're talking to people investing in real estate. One of the big questions is are you looking for appreciation or are you looking for cash flow? Most people will ask that question. If you're a good realtor, I hope that helps clients that invest. I hope that you're asking that question because it's really fundamental to the numbers and the way that we look at the numbers. I think understanding which one are you going for? Sometimes it's 50, 50, you want both.

Speaker 2:

Then sitting down and looking at your numbers, and not just at the end of the year, but continually looking at okay, what's our cash flow look like? All right, we wanted people to come in for longer stays. We wanted more longer stays. What's our average night? How many nights are people staying on average? Has that gone up? If that's a goal that we had so that we had less turnover and less, it could be more passive. I think you can come up with a metrics for anything. If you're truly trying to get better at something, the only way that you'll really know the details and be able to refine you can know something feels different, but if you want to really get into the details of it. You've got to measure it just the way that we measure the metrics in our business.

Speaker 2:

On a pretty regular basis.

Speaker 1:

Yep, exactly. I had a manager that I would always, always say you can't manage what you don't measure. You've got to be looking at the numbers. It's so important, there's so many tools to do that. We're glad to help you do that too. As it relates to real estate, yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Definitely One of the last items is legal and compliance. Thinking about legal and compliance from a CEO's point of view. Some people love this, some people shy away from this. Like most of these things, again, you can delegate a lot of this. It's important, though, that you're on top of it. Just in terms of real estate investing, this is huge. It's a really big deal.

Speaker 2:

Thinking about legal and compliance, the compliance to local laws Are you registering units before you put them on the market? Are you abiding by short-term rental regulations? Then, do you have legal protections in place? Are you doing things in accordance with the laws? Then, also, have you protected yourself in your assets? It's really important, because when things don't go right, you want to be protected. This goes in line with protecting and thinking about the long term and what's best for everyone in protecting your assets, whether that's intellectual property or physical property. Having a team in place. Usually this is going to involve bringing in lawyers to help you with things like contracts and things like leases. If you're in real estate, then the compliance piece of it is something you can outsource as well. I think, again, you want to be on top and able to talk the talk so that you have enough sense and ownership of these two things. Yep 100%.

Speaker 1:

Enough said with that. I agree with you 100%. There are going to be lots of ways for us to help you become the CEO of your own little world. A few of those things that are coming up right away are, first of all, for real estate agents On Monday evenings. I already had one, but it's not too late for you to jump in On Monday evenings at 8 pm for the next three Mondays now, after this podcast launches, I am hosting a course in really helping agents run their business like a CEO. We'll put a link in the show notes If you want to jump in. This will be the one and only time I'm offering this for free. It's only free for the people that are joining live. I'm not sharing the recordings for free. We will have a program in the future that you can purchase. If you want to get it for free, jump in now.

Speaker 2:

I sat in on last week's and as a new agent myself newly endorsed licensed carrying agent I will say that the training was excellent. I think that this week is going to be really amazing because you're going to get into. How do you prospect? Someone who joins now can get the recording from last week and hop on and jump into this week. However, that's not going to last. Beth is a master. She's been at this for a long time and people continue to come back and seek her advice. I would jump on that if it's of interest. Awesome.

Speaker 2:

We have a couple of other things coming up. Super exciting time for us. We really hit the ground running this year. We have an investor coffee coming up on the 25th of January. You can find on Instagram and our link to all of these things are there. You can also hit us up by sending us a note at info at theabundantinvestorcom.

Speaker 2:

This is open to anyone interested in investing in real estate, anyone who's already investor. This time around, we're going to share our first time going virtual. First of all, that's fun. We're going to have probably a bigger audience from a wider range of geographies. We're going to share a case study on the latest midterm rental that I've been working on out of state. It's my first out of state. It's my first midterm rental I'll share with you. We've just completed and started to rent that out. I can't wait to share more about that with you.

Speaker 2:

Then we have another event coming up on the 30th, beth. It's Real Estate Investing 101. It's a free masterclass for anyone that wants to learn more about real estate investing. This is going to be more of the nuts and bolts, whereas the 25th will be more of a networking and collective get-together of folks, with some small group gatherings. We're going to put people in small groups for some meet and greet. The 30th, though, will be a true overview of real estate investing. I think that when we've run that before, it's been very popular. We're excited to offer that again on the 30th. All of this information will be in the show notes. Thank you all so much. We love being here with you. We so appreciate your listening. We so appreciate you being here for to support us and to support yourself.

Speaker 1:

If you aren't already, follow us on Instagram at the Abundant Investor. We'd love to have you there. Thanks everybody, Thank you.

Living Your Life Like a CEO
Delegating and Financial Management Importance
Empowering Women as CEOs
Results and Compliance in Real Estate